Chapter 40

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Molly's POV

"Auntie Si!" Zara screams, running into Luke and Sierra's house. I freeze before walking through the door, my heart racing.

"Molly?" Calum questions, his voice lowered so that my parents and brothers won't hear him, "What's wrong?"

"I can't do it Calum," I choke out, backing up. My back hits his chest, "They're gonna be so mad at me. I can't. We all know what happened the last time I came back from the dead for a group of people. I can't."

"Yes, you can," Calum argues, not giving in to my argument, "and you have to Molly. You can't back out this time."

"Why not?" I hiss, blood pounding in my ears.

"Because Luke needs you today. This is supposed to be both of you guys' confession day. You about being alive, him about having powers. Luke cannot do this alone, Molly. He is so anxious and scared now. You're the only one who can get through to him, and the only one who can calm him down. You cannot leave him high and dry because you're feeling a little scared. You battle supervillains dammit. Get your ass in there, Hemmings!"

"You should be a motivational speaker," I mutter, taking a deep breath. I slowly exhale and move into the house. Calum follows closely behind me, closing the door behind him. I move down the long hallway towards the living room, the sound of my brothers and parents as the talk to Zara, Luke, and Sierra makes me a little dizzy. After what feels like eternity, I'm out of the hallway and standing in the doorway of the living room. The constant chatter goes dead silent. Mum, dad, Ben, and Jack stare at me, their faces full of mixture of shock and disbelief.

"Molly?" Jack squeaks out, "Is it- Is she- Really Molly?"

"I'm really Molly," I agree, my throat burning. Luke and Calum both nod in agreement. Jack scrambles over to hug me. He pulls me into his embrace, his grip nearly crushing my bones. I just hold him though, enjoying a moment I never thought I'd experience again. Ben, mum, and dad all join in our hug until I'm squished in the middle of them all.

"What the fuck Molly?" Ben demands, wiping his eyes. Mum pulls me into a hug with just her.

"How long have you guys known?" Dad demands.

"A couple months," Calum blushes.

"I've only known like a week or two," Luke defends.

"And you didn't think to call us in that week or two?" Mum fires back.

He winces, "It's been a long, long week."

"What do you mean?" Dad frowns.

"Hey Zara," Sierra exclaims, "Let's go play tea party, okay?" My daughter nods excitedly, grabbing Sierra's hand tightly as they go upstairs.

"Those supervillains," Jack cuts in before Luke can continue, "Maxima and Vengeance, right? Psyche had a big fight with the two of them. She killed Maxima, but Vengeance got away. No one knows where he is or what he's doing." Calum and I wince softly.

"I was Vengeance," Luke spits out, staring at the ground as he moves his arms out from under the blanket. The bright red energy swirls around them, making our family gasp loudly. "And I have powers now."

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