Chapter 38

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Molly's POV

"Mummy!" Zara screeches, leaping into my arms. I laugh as my little girl nearly tackles me to the ground.

"Hi Princess."

"You're the bestest superhero in the whole wide world, mummy," she compliments, clinging to my neck as I carry her inside. I see Calum smiling widely at the two of us as he holds Duke in his arms, preventing him from getting out of the house.

"You think so?" I smile, kissing her cheek, "I'm better than Wonder Woman or Supergirl?"

"Yep!" She agrees, "Can you be my show and tell, mummy?" Calum sticks his tongue out at me.

"Maybe," I answer, carrying her upstairs for her nap, "I'll think about it. But only if you're good and take a nap without fighting." Zara nods and kisses my cheek as I tuck her into her bed before turning and leaving her room. I smile to myself as I make my way down the hall to Calum's room.

"Is she actually gonna sleep?" He inquires, scratching Duke's ears.

"Maybe," I reply, crawling onto the bed beside him, resting my head on his shoulder, "I told her I'd think about being her show and tell of she was good and took a nap."

He laughs loudly before kissing my temple, "That's cheating, Molly."

I grin, "You never said I couldn't play dirty when trying to get her to go down for a nap, Hood."

He grins and kisses me, "You know, our kids really hit the jackpot parent wise."

"What makes you say that?"

"Their parents' careers are literally a rockstar and a superhero. That's every kid's dream."

"You said kids plural," I point out, my heart rate picking up.

"Yeah," Calum agrees, "I mean, you were pregnant with number two."

"Was, being the key word here, Hood," I remind.

He nods slowly, "Are you ready to talk about that yet, Molly?"

"What's there to talk about?"

"What would you have done if you did leave LA then found out you were pregnant?" Calum inquires, his voice soft. He licks his lips, waiting for my answer.

"I don't know," I admit, "I probably would've had the baby and dropped it off at Felix's apartment, so he'd give it to you. I wouldn't have been able to see you again, Calum."

"And if you were to get pregnant now?"

"Are we gonna be doing things that could lead to me getting pregnant?" I tease, pressing my body against his.

"Maybe," Calum challenges, a goofy smirk on his face, "Depends ok how you answer this question, Molly."

"I'm not going anywhere, Hood," I promise him, "As long as you want me around."

"You know that I do, Hemmings," Calum smiles, rolling over on top of me as he kisses my neck. Before we get anywhere else, the door creaks open. Calum frantically moves off of me as Zara walks into the room.

"Can I sleep in here?" She calls, already climbing up onto the bed.

"Of course," I answer, smiling as she snuggles in between Calum and I before falling fast asleep.

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