Chapter 20

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Calum's POV

"Hey," Molly calls from behind me, making me jump. I turn around and see her moving closer. She sits down on the roof beside me, her hip touching mine.

"Hey," I reply, forcing out a small smile as I look down at her. "What's up?"

She stares at the roof, her body tense, "I just wanted to stop by and say goodbye." I blink in surprise.

"What? What do you mean goodbye? Where are you going?"

"I'm just not gonna see you anymore. And after I deal with Maxima, I'm just gonna leave LA."

"What? Why the fuck- Firstly, who is Maxima," I demand, "and why the fuck are you leaving?"

"She's the new supervillain," Molly answers, still avoiding looking at me, "Remember the one I told you about? Who can control you, boost your emotions, and give you powers?"

"She's definitely legit?" I frown, my stomach turning nervously.

Molly nods, "Felix and I talked to the kid again earlier. Everything he's told us has checked out. Anyways, I'm leaving LA because staying here and always being around you guys- I can't do it anymore."

Anger burns in my stomach, "So you're just leaving, Molly? Just like that? Right after I got you back?"

Her jaw tightens, "We can't be together, Calum-"


"We can't!" She yells, her voice shaking. Molly looks up at me. Her big blue eyes are wide with tears, "We can't. These last few months were nice but naive. It was a mistake to even help you in they alley. I should've just pointed some cops down there to save you. It would be better if you thought I was still dead!"

"You're fucking wrong," I argue, holding her arm, "I love you Molly. Still. After five years of thinking you were dead. Why can't we be together? Just tell me that."

"I fucked up five years ago and ruined everything for us. I- we can't. I mean, Luke, Michael, Ashton, everyone thinks that I'm dead. I can't just come back. I'll hurt them all so much. Please Calum, don't make this harder than it already is."

"I'm not gonna just let you go," I argue, "I won't. Please Molly. Please." I stare at her, my throat tight as I wait for her to speak. She looks up at me with her big blue eyes, making my heart melt.

"One more night," she finally whispers, scooting closer to me. I don't argue. I just kiss her softly before carefully moving back inside off of the roof.

Luke's POV

"Are you gonna be okay alone for dinner?" Sierra asks me, holding Zara's hand tightly as the five year old dances around happily, "I can try to leave early if you don't want to be alone. I know you were upset earlier, and I-"

I smile and kiss her, "I'll be fine. I might stop by Ashton's later and hang out with him." She nods, clearly looking relieved. "Are you sure Michael doesn't mind taking Zara over to Calum's? Because I really don't mind dropping her off later."

Sierra shrugs, "He told me he was running over there later so I might as well bring her, and he'd drop her. Zara, say bye." She drops her hand.

Zara rushes forward, grabbing onto my legs as she looks up at me with a big grin on her face, "Bye Uncle Luke. Thanks for letting me eat ice cream for lunch."

"What?" Sierra demands.

"Nothing," I lie, squatting down to hug her, "Z, you weren't supposed to tell anyone. Especially Auntie Si." She just giggles loudly before kissing my cheek. I slowly stand back up as I watch Sierra buckle Zara into her car seat, then smile at me before getting into the car and driving over to Michael and Crystal's house. I sigh softly to myself and go inside, pulling my phone out of my back pocket as I walk. I open up my messages with Ashton and start typing.

Do you mind if I come over for a little bit and hang out later?

I'm actually not gonna be home. KayKay is at the wedding planning thing for Si with her and Crys so I was gonna head over to Calum's with Michael.

Okay. Can I come or no?

If you want to

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