Chapter 22

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Luke's POV

"Luke, Jesus Christ, where the fuck have you been?" Sierra demands, pulling my body against hers as she hugs me tight, "I've been looking for you for hours. You didn't answer your phone or-"

"Molly's alive," I mumble, my body and mind both numb. Her grip on me loosens.

"What?" She demands, staring at me in shock, "Luke what are you talking about?"

"Molly is alive," I repeat, the anger starting to burn in my chest again, "Apparently she lied to us about Inferno being dead so we wouldn't suspect that her dead was faked."

"Oh my God," Sierra gasps out, "How'd you find out?"

"I went over to Calum's house and accidently walked in on him and Blaze making out. She had her mask off at the time and that's how I saw she's really Molly. She fucking lied to us this whole fucking time."

"Lu," she whispers, reaching for my hand. I jerk away, not wanting to be comforted. She sighs softly but doesn't push.

"I'm gonna go out," I mutter, my head pounding as I stand up from the park bench, "I need to fucking drink this shit away."

"Luke," Sierra reasons, grabbing my arm to try to stop me, "Please don't do this. Please. You don-"

"Just let me be," I beg, "I just need to deal with this on my own, Sierra. You can't help me with this." She recoils at my words, but doesn't argue with me. Instead she nods and lets go of my arm. I stare at her for a moment, my jaw tense, before I turn and head over to my car to drive to the nearest bar.

Molly's POV

"Molly? Are you good? You've been in here for a couple days just crying. You haven't eaten anything in days. Did it go bad with Calum?" I feel the bed sink down as Felix sits beside my legs.

I lift my head up from where it was buried in my pillow, "They all know now. You were right, Felix, Luke hates me."

"How'd they find out? I thought you weren't telling them?" He demands, more concerned than angry.

My cheeks heat up slightly, "Calum and I were in his room making out, and Luke accidentally barged in without realizing. I already had the mask off at that point so."

"Jesus," he mutters, shocked.

"And if that wasn't bad enough, Michael and Ashton showed up with Zara, who came over and hugged me, which basically told Calum that I've been seeing her secretly, so now he knows why you always ask to watch her, and he's not really thrilled about that. I fucked everything up Felix."

"Yeah," he agrees, nodding slowly, "You did, Molly." I roll my eyes but don't protest. I know he's about to go on some philosophical rant that'll leave me feeling better in the end. Instead he stays quiet.

"Hey!" I protest, frowning, "You're supposed to continue on now and say something to make me feel better about this whole thing. Come on, Felix. I need that more than ever."

He shrugs, looking helpless, "I don't know what you want me to say, Molly. I really don't know how to even suggest you can fix this. I don't have any sort of experience in this area. You could always try talking to Luke and the others."

I make a face, "Talking? Really? That's the best you have?"

He huffs, "Well I don't see you coming up with anything so. You never know, Molly. If you just explain why you did it, maybe they'll understand and eventually forgive you."

"I guess you're right," I sigh, sitting up, "I'll go talk to them."

"Uh, not right now you're not," Felix tells me, standing up, "Your ass isn't going anywhere until you get some food and a shower." I groan but nod and  follow him out into the kitchen.

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