Chapter 25

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Molly's POV

"Molly?" Sierra gasps out, dropping her bag to the ground. I stand up as she rushes forward, pulling me into her arms, "I heard you were back, but I still didn't really know if it was true." I hold her tightly, burying my face in her shoulder. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to try to talk to Luke a few hours ago. I kind of talked to him, but he's still so mad at me. He ended up storming out of the house. I didn't just want to leave it unlocked or anything," I lie, staring at the ground. She and I both know I could've locked the doors inside and just teleported out of the house, no problem. I only stayed because of the hope that Luke would come back.

"I'm just glad to see you," she assures me, wiping her eyes, "I've missed you so much these last five years."

"I'm sorry," I choke out, hugging her again, "I'm so sorry for hurting you and-"

"It's okay," she whispers, "You had to do it to protect Zara." I give her a look, confused as to how she knew that. She notices and smiles, "Luke got drunk the night he found out you were still alive, came home wasted, and told me about it." I nod, the guilt rising up in me again.
"So what are you gonna do now that we all know you're you?"

I shrug, pulling my arms close to my chest, "I don't really known. I mean, things are going good with Calum and I, but I don't know if it's just gonna be sex or if he wants to get back together or anything." I sink back down on their front porch step, running my hands through my short hair.

"And if he does want to?" She sinks down on the stoop beside me, her shoulder brushing against mine.

I focus on the concrete sidewalk, "I don't know. I don't, Si. I mean, I don't think I could do that to Luke if he was still mad at me. Or Michael and Ashton. I couldn't drive Calum away from them or make them pick sides. Maybe it's best if I just disappear."

"It's not," she laughs, nudging me, "Just take it slow between the two of you. Luke will come around in time. And in all honesty, Michael and Ashton are probably ecstatic to have you back. Have you talked to them yet?"

"No. I was gonna go later. I was really hoping that I could get through to Luke but-"

"He's being stubborn?" I nod. "He really took it hard when Felix came by and told us you died. We still go to therapy usually twice a week. He still has a hard time listening to anything related to Blaze or even talking about you. He was getting better though. I think he just needs to get over his initial shock, whether it be through drinking the pain away or whatever, and then he'll be fine, and you guys can start working to get your old relationship back. Just don't go running off again, okay Molly?" Sierra smiles brightly at me as she softly elbows my ribs.

I chuckle softly as I nod, "Yeah, okay. Thank you, Si. If you don't mind, I'm gonna go try to talk to Ashton and Michael. But I'll see you soon."

"Of course." We both stand up from our seats on the front step. Sierra hugs me tightly one more time, then watches as I turn and walk down the sidewalk, away from their house.

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