Chapter 17

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Molly's POV

"Hey Felix," I greet, unable to keep the smile off of my face as I sit down across from him at our tiny kitchen table.

"You're in a good mood," he notes, not looking up from the papers he's sifting through, "Did you screw Calum again?  Physically, mentally, and emotionally?"

"Ha ha," I mock, "And maybe. He saw me without the mask on."

"I know," Felix replies, surprising me. How?

"How do you know that?"

"Calum told me."

"Okay," I mutter, taken back by this new information. I guess he called or texted him while I was on my way over. "And you're okay with it?"

"It's your fake face, not mine, Molly," he laughs, "So what did your fake face even look like?"

"Oh," I realize, "No, Felix, he knows I'm Molly. He tricked me and pulled my mask off and saw me."

"And?" I can't read his expression or tone.

"He seemed to be excited. I mean, we fucked after that, and he told me he still loves me."

"So what now? You two date again or... I can't see this ending good."

I shrug, not seeing the problem with this plan, "Yeah. I mean, why not?"

"Luke is not gonna take your return from the dead as good as Calum has," Felix warns, making my heart sink, "Just be careful, Molly. Don't get your hopes up too high. I don't want you to get hurt." I nod, my spirits sinking.

He notices, "I didn't mean to kill your good mood, I swear. Um, this might cheer you up. They're bringing that kid in again tonight to talk to him again, and my mom says that Blaze can chat if you want to."

"Why are they bringing him in again? Did they find anything to corroborate his story about this new super villain?" I demand, my frown growing.

"She just said they may have something to back up his claims, so they want to talk to him again. Also, she thinks he might open up a little more for a superhero, you."

I groan, "Can't I just have one night to Jud relax?"

"You don't have to go," he laughs.

"No, no," I protest, "I'm going. I want to get this sorted sooner rather than later."


"Hey mom," Felix greets as soon as Chief Owens walks out of the interrogation room.

She glances up at us, her eyes tired, "Hi honey, Blaze." I nod politely.

"So what's really going on with him? Any updates?" I speak up.

"His name is Anthony Perillo. The bad thing is that everything the police can try to verify is coming back as true. His story is checking out so far. He still doesn't remember any details about the man who picked up, where they went, or the new supervillain, other than she's calling herself Maxima."

"Why Maxima?" Felix frowns, confused.

"She maximizes emotions," I speak up, "I mean, that's what we heard originally from Anthony, right? She boosts emotions, takes control of them, then tries to give her victim powers." 

Chief Owens swears softly, leaning against a table, "Blaze, you might have your first supervillain. He's all yours." She nods towards the interrogation room. I take a deep breath, then head inside with Felix right behind me.

Anthony's head whips up as we enter the room. He spots me and his cheeks go rosey as he clumsily sits up straighter, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"So Anthony," Felix starts, "we need you to tell us every detail. No matter how small and insignificant it may seem."

He nods and starts his story again.

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