Chapter 24

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Molly's POV

"Why aren't you sleeping, Molly?" Calum mumbles, his arm flopped across my stomach, "It's too early to be awake. Even Zara is still asleep."

I laugh softly, running my fingers through his soft hair, "I can't sleep."

He sits up slightly so his head is level with mine, "Why? What's wrong?"

"I can't stop thinking about Luke," I admit, "I need to talk to him. I- I really messed up with him. I shouldn't have acted so nonchalant the other day when I was talking to him. I need to try to explain the whole thing to him."

"He's probably awake right now. But Sierra will be up as well. They like to get up early and go for hikes. But if you want to go when she won't be there for some reason, I'd go tonight. She's supposed to be hanging out with KayKay and Crystal again."

I nod, "I'll go see him later."


I stand outside of Luke's door, my heart pounding in my chest as I wait for him to come unlock the door. I fidget with the rip in my shirt momentarily before wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans. My breath hitches in my throat as he opens the front door.

"Luke-" My older brother's face falls at the sight of me.

"Fuck off Molly," he snaps, trying to close the door in my face, "I have nothing to say to you. I never want to see you again." I stop the door before it closes, my eyes stinging at his words.

"Then let me try to explain," I plead, stepping inside his house, "Please Luke." His jaw clenches before he nods, stepping aside. He turns and walks over to the couch. I close the door and follow beside him.


"Why?" Luke jumps in, "That's all I want to know Molly. Why? Why would you put all of us through that? You always said you knew how much seeing you die hurt us, and that was when we'd watch you come back right after. So why'd you fake your death and put us all through that?"

"Inferno faked his death and wouldn't just settle on killing me anymore. He wanted Zara to hurt me. He was gonna kidnap her and raise her to be a super villain and one day, have her kill all of us. I couldn't risk that happening, Luke. Once I faked my death, I was able to stalk Inferno and watch him without suspicion. I was able to kill him for good."

"Why didn't you come back then?" He inquires, "After all of that?"

I shrug, staring at the couch sadly, "I was dead. I couldn't."

"You did now," he points out, his voice hard, "Five years after you died. It would've been a hell of a lot easier to accept that you lied to us the earlier you admitted it."

"I know," I agree, sighing softly.

"No," he argues, "I don't think you do know, Molly. You missed Michael and Crystal's wedding. You missed Sierra and I getting engaged a year ago. You missed-"

"I know what I missed," I huff, my chest tightening, "Trust me Luke, I know. I missed my daughter's first words, her first steps, her first day of pre-school. I gave up getting married to Calum. I gave up everything to try to keep my family safe. I fucked you guys up in the process and looking back, it probably wasn't the best thing I could've done, but it was my only option at the time. I did what I had to do to save you all. Because that is my job. No matter how many time you guys told me it wasn't my job to protect you, it always was and always will be. It's been my job ever since I came over to LA from Australia with you all those years ago and helped protect you when you'd get caught by Tremor's goons on the street. I've busted my ass for years fighting crime to protect you guys."

Luke stares at me, his jaw twitching. Say something, I plead silently, holding his gaze. His words break my heart all over again.

"You need to leave Molly. Now. I don't want to see you again. You're dead to me. And as far as I'm concerned, you've been dead for five years."

"I'm not leaving until we work this out," I reply, my voice strained.

"Then I'm leaving. I'm done with you Molly, with this. We were all better off before we found out you were alive." I watch in misery as Luke stands up and quickly leaves, slamming the front door after him. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, wondering how I fucked up so badly.

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