Chapter 4

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Calum's POV

"Hey Cal-"

"Can you guys watch Zara tonight?" I ask Michael as soon as he opens his front door. I lean down and kiss her forehead, before Zara takes off running into his house, almost undoubtedly on the lookout for Moose.

"Sure, I guess," he frowns, "But I thought she was staying with Luke and Sierra tonight?"

"She was supposed to," I answer, practically bouncing up and down due to nerves, "They're too far away though. I have to go."

"Calum! What's wrong, mate?" Michael grips my sleeve, stomping me from running off. I bite my lip, afraid to speak the truth.

"Nothing," I settle on, trying to put as much confidence into my voice as I can, "I just need to go check on something. I promise I'm fine though."

Michael swallows hard, nodding slowly, "Okay. Uh, Crys and I can watch Zara for tonight. We'll bring her by your place tomorrow morning, okay?"

"Sounds perfect," I exhale, "Thanks guys. I really owe you one." I pull my sleeve out of his grip and take off running back to my car.


I pull up outside of Felix's apartment complex and around to the back, unsure of what I'm even looking for. I stop my car and stare up at the fire escape leading out of his apartment. It's decorated with colorful lights, a gift Zara insisted on getting for him last Christmas. After a few minutes, I sigh to myself, my shoulders sagging. What am I even doing here? I should be at home with Zara and Duke having a movie night or playing tea party or some shit. I reach down and turn the key. Before I start my car, someone's head pokes out of the window leading to the fire escape from Felix's apartment. It's a girl, I realize after seeing her figure. Her hair is dyed bright red, and she's dressed in leather clothing. She turns, showing me her mask covered face. I nearly shit myself as I realize it's Blaze. She glances around, then starts climbing down the fire escape, her movements graceful and skilled. It's clear that this isn't her first trip down that fire escape.

Blaze's red boots hit the ground before she takes off running down an alley, disappearing out of sight. Felix knows Blaze well enough to have her over to his apartment to hang out? My body seems to be on autopilot as I start my car and start the drive over to the Grove, where the police precinct and the mayor are supposed to be holding a ceremony for Blaze later today.

Molly's POV

"I can't believe it's been five years," Felix states, looking at me in my Blaze costume.

"What? Since I became Blaze?" I inquire, smiling.

"No," Felix answers, "Since you last changed your costume. I swear to God, Psyche had a new goddamn costume every week."

"Ha ha," I mock, tying my mask on, "That's not true. I only had like five or six different Psyche costumes."

"It counts as different everytime you added a piece of jewelry or changed your boots."

"Fuck you," I mutter, moving towards the window letting out onto the fire escape.

Felix laughs loudly, "Love you too, Molly! I'll see you at the ceremony."

"Bye!" I climb out, glance around to make sure no one is watching me, then carefully make my way down the fire escape.

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