Chapter 43

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Molly's POV

"Mummy why does Jack Jack have powers?" Zara yawns as we watch Incredibles 2.

"Because his mummy and daddy have powers," I answer, running my hands through her dark brown hair.

"Am I gonna have powers?" Her eyes are wide as she looks up at Calum and I. I glance over at him, unsure of how he wants to approach this.

"We don't know, baby," Calum answers, not missing a beat, "Both Jack Jack's mummy and daddy have powers. Only your mummy has powers, Zara."

"Why don't you have powers daddy?" She mumbles, slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Because I don't," he laughs, "Let's go get you ready for bed, Z."

"No," she whines, trying to fight to keep her eyes open, "I'm not sleepy. Mummy!"

"Oh no," I laugh, "It's way past your bedtime, missy. We can finish the movie tomorrow." She huffs loudly. "If you're good and go up to bed now, Zara, you can have Duke in your room tonight." Her eyes light up as jumps into Calum's arms, so he'll carry her upstairs. Calum laughs loudly, carrying our daughter in one arm and Duke in the other. I smile to myself as I turn off the movie and tv
then try to clean up some of the snack wrappers from our movie night before heading upstairs to meet Calum.

"Oh!" He exclaims, almost running into me in the hallway outside of Zara's door, "Hey Molly. I wasn't expecting you to come upstairs."

"I wanna cuddle," I shrug, biting my lip as I look up at him. Calum bites back a smirk as he grabs my hand and pulls me to his room.


"If Zara got powers, what do you think they'd be?" Calum asks, wrapping his arms around my body.

"Really?" I pant, giggling at him, "That's what you wanna talk about right now?"

"Yes." I laugh harder, pressing my face against his bare chest. Calum sighs contently, rubbing my arm as he pulls me closer to him.

"I think that, just to spite us, she'd get invisibility or some shit," I speculate, smiling at the thought.

He groans loudly, "Shit. That would suck, Molly. I really hope you didn't pass that one down to her."

"Well which one do you hope I passed to her? If I passed down any, that is."

"Hmm," Calum pauses while he thinks, "Well it wouldn't be fun to teach her how to use the blue energy, we'd never catch her with super speed, don't even get me started on that manipulating reality shit, super hearing would give us absolutely no privacy-"

"Are you just gonna complain about all of my powers?" I tease, making his kiss me.

"No. I guess if I had to pick one of your powers, teleporting. But that would still put us through hell."

"I hope she doesn't get powers. I don't want her to even have the opportunity to fuck up like I have."

"Molly," Calum whispers, kissing the top of my head, "You did what you had to do."

"I know," I sigh softly, clinging to his body, "But I hope Zara never has to do anything like that. I wouldn't be able to live with myself, Cal."

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