Chapter 23

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Molly's POV

"What do you want, Molly?" Calum asks as soon as he opens his front door.

I fidget awkwardly, crossing my arms over my chest as I stare at the ground, "I want to talk to you, Calum. Please."

He hesitates, "I don't really think that's a good idea Molly. I think you should just go."


"Mummy!" Zara screams happily, running right past Calum. He swears under his breath as our daughter jumps into my arms, a bright grin on her face. My lips tug upwards into a smile as I kiss her cheek.

"Hi honey," I greet, holding her close to me.

"Daddy is mummy staying with us now?" She asks, excitement evident in her voice. Calum's jaw drops, clearly unsure of how to answer.

"No baby," I cut in, deciding to seize my opportunity, "I'm just here to talk to daddy." Calum's jaw tightens again as he flashes me an annoyed look. But he moves aside, allowing for me and Zara to go inside the house.

"Hey Z," Calum says as I set her down on the ground, "I need you to go upstairs to your room for a little bit, okay? Just while mummy and daddy talk."

She pouts, "Is mummy gonna leave without saying goodbye?"

"No baby," I assure her, holding her small face in my hands, "I'll say goodbye before I leave. I promise." The smile returns to my daughter's face, making my heart melt. She kisses my cheek, then takes off running upstairs, shouting for Duke as she goes. I stand back up and turn to face Calum, who is glaring at me with his arms crossed against his chest.

"I can't fucking believe you, Molly," he says simply, his gaze not leaving mine.

"What?" I ask, my voice cracking, "What did I do to you? I thought we were fine. You were the one begging and pleading for me not to leave because you still love me and want to get back together."

"That was before I knew what you were doing with Zara. I mean, it's bad enough you've spent five years lying to all of us, but now you've dragged Zara into this shit? What were you thinking? She's a child. Any supervillain could've found out and taken her, and I wouldn't have been any the wiser. What would you have done then?"

I stay quiet, my face burning with embarrassment. Calum continues his rant.

"And you dragged Felix into this mess too. You forced him to lie for you. Do you even realize how much it must've hurt him to see us all fucked up when he knew you were completely fine? I thought I could get over you faking your death and lying to us since you said you were protecting Zara. I believed you then. But I don't now. You didn't do that to protect Zara. You wouldn't have kept seeing her afterwards if you truly wanted to keep her safe."

"So what's your theory then?" I challenge, my eyes stinging, "Huh, Calum? What's your grand reasoning for why I did all of this?" He's quiet for a moment. Then he looks up at me with sadness in his eyes as his shoulders relax. He swallows hard before answering.

"If you were unhappy with me or Luke or anyone else, you could've just told us. I would've understood." I recoil in shock as I stare at him, my brain barely able to process what he just said. Unhappy with him? I lurch forward, hugging him tightly. Calum's arms wrap around me, holding my body against his as he breaks down sobbing, his body shaking. We both sink down to the ground. I pull his head against my chest, just holding him for a few minutes while he cries.

"You're so fucking stupid, Calum," I start, making him choke out a small laugh. "I wasn't unhappy with you. Fuck I loved you so much. I still do. All of you. But I was so scared. Inferno didn't die with Mercury. I didn't know what would actually kill him or what to do. The only thing I knew for sure was that I had to protect Zara and you guys. And I know I probably went about it in the worst way-"

He snorts, "You thinks?"

"Hey," I playfully scold, wiping his cheeks, "You try being the first to do things." He nods, his smile fading slightly. Mine does as well. I sigh softly, still holding him against my body, "Leaving you guys was the hardest thing I've ever done. But I didn't know what else to do. I was the first person to have superpowers, I was the first superhero to give birth, I don't have anyone or anything to look up to make these decisions. It's not like if Zara had a cold, and I could just ask my mum which medicine I should give her. I know I fucked up. I'm sorry. But please Calum, don't think that I wasn't happy with you. Ever."

He nods, biting down on his bottom lip, "I still love you, Molly."

"I love you too, Calum. But I get it if this is weird or hard or-" He kisses me, cutting off my rant. I melt against his body.

"I'm still trying to get used to this," he mumbles, his forehead resting against mine, "All I know is that I don't want to spend another day without you." I smile widely and kiss him again.

"Yay!" Zara shrieks, making Calum and I break apart again. She comes running over with Duke hot on her heels. "Mummy and daddy aren't fighting anymore!" She drops down to the ground, throwing herself on Calum's lap. He laughs and kisses her head as Duke attacks me with kisses.

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