Chapter 45

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Sorry I hadn't updated this in a while, guys. I just didn't really know where I wanted this to go and didn't think that anyone even cared about this book. But I'm glad to be back and have some new ideas! Thank for all the support and Happy Holidays!!

Molly's POV

"Molly?" Luke frowns as I superspeed past him, "What happened?" I ignore him and kick open the front door.

"Molly what the fuck?" Calum asks, his smile fading, "You know where I hide the key-"

"Why didn't you answer your stupid phone?" I cry, punching his chest.

"It's upstairs charging with the volume turned off. What happened? What's wrong?" He tries to hold me close as I push away from his grasp. I superspeed up to Zara's room, throwing the door open. Empty.

My heart falls as I stare at my daughter's room. The curtains blow back and forth gently because of the open window. I feel sick.

"Molly wha- where's Zara?" Calum demands, grabbing my arm. I wipe my eyes and cheeks with my sleeve, my sadness fading back into anger.

"Maxima got her," I explain, moving back downstairs.

"Maxima's dead-"

"No, that was a fucking decoy," I snap at Luke, making his face fall. "She wants a fair fucking fight but thinks I've gone soft because of Zara, so she fucking kidnapped her. Now I'm gonna go fucking hunt this bitch down and kick the shit out of her. Any questions?" I don't wait to see if they say anything before teleporting back to the police station, my blood boiling.

Calum's POV

As soon as Molly disappears, my legs seem to give out from under me. I fall backwards. Ashton and Michael grip my arms, helping me over to the couch, where I proceed to break down sobbing. The reality of the situation finally setting in.

"Molly's gonna find her," Michael tries to soothe, "It's okay, Cal."

"I should've known," I cry loudly, "I should've known something wasn't right. I should've checked on her. I should've-"

"We all thought she was fucking dead," Sierra comforts, "This isn't your fault, Cal. Molly's gonna find her. She'll be alright." Luke pushes off the couch, pulling his phone out as he gives towards the front door.

"Where are you going?" Ashton calls, frowning.

"To go help Molly," he answers, not turning around, "Like half of this is my fault."

"Luke-" He slams the door closed before Michael can finish his thought.

Molly's POV

"Maxima!" I scream, walking through the abandoned warehouse I beat her decoy in last time. "If you're here, come out now!" Nothing. I scream in frustration before kicking a wooden support beam.

"Moll-" I whip around, my arms glowing bright blue.

"What the actual fuck are you doing here, Luke?" I seethe, my hands curling into fists.

"I'm here to help you, Molly."

I roll my eyes, "That's rich. Go home Luke."

"I can help you," my older brother repeats, "I have powers now."

"Which you barely know how to control," I argue, "I can't babysit you today."

"Molly, you need to get ahold of yourself."

I blink in shock at his words, "Really? My daughter was just fucking kidnapped by a supervillain, but I need to get ahold of myself?"

"This is how Maxima messes with you," he persists, not leaving me alone, "She gets you all worked up and uses that to get the upper hand and win. That's why you're here right now, even though you know she's not gonna be here. Not to mention, it's probably a trap."

"What do you know?" I mutter, glancing around nervously.

"A lot considering I was fucking controlled by her. The more negative emotions you experience at once, the more susceptible to her influence you are. If she were here right now and offering to trade Zara for complete control over you, we both know you'd take it because you aren't thinking straight. You could beat her, but you're angry and anxious so you'd give in."

I huff loudly, turning to face my brother, "Fine. Let's say you're right. What else do you know?"

Luke bites his lip, "The location of her actual hideout."

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