Chapter 55

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Molly's POV

I superspeed into the building Maxima and I have been hiding out in. I skid to a stop and immediately put a blindfold over her eyes, blocking her from making eye contact with me. I handcuff her to a support beam then collapse a few feet away.

"What the hell did you do to me?" I choke out, my head pounding. It feels like my brain is splitting in two. I pull at my now black hair. My stomach turns violently.

Maxima simply smiles cruelly at me, "I thought your brother's anger was the key. That's so easy to break from of though. Fear is what really keeps you under my influence."

"What are you talking about?" I demand.

Maxima shrugs, "You were angry. That's what let me take control. That's the key to getting control over people. But holding onto that control, that's what I struggled with. Finally, Malice, I figured it out with your help, plus a slightly altered serum. It's fear. I need the anger to take over and fear to maintain control."

"Well I'm not afraid of you," I lie, trying to fight her influence. I'm exhausted. It would be so tempting to just give in.

She shrugs, "That's a lie. But it's okay. You have plenty of other fear. Weret connected now, Malice. I can see into your head. You're scared of Zara getting powers, of Luke not being able to cope with his, of Calum not loving you anymore, of what'll happen if I were to get to them." My body is tense.

"I know where they are, you know?" She cackles loudly, "When I had a visit with your sweet little girl, I put a tracker in that cute little dog toy she loves." My horror grows as I think to Gigi, the stuffed dog Zara takes everywhere with her. I whip my head over to look at Maxima only to be hit in the head with something, making my vision go black.

Calum's POV

"How are you feeling, Luke?" I ask my best friend, sitting down beside him. We're at Felix's safe house. We finally made it.

Luke shrugs, staring off into the distance, "I was gonna die earlier."

"But you didn't-"

"But I was going to," he insists, "Zara saved me. But I was right there, Cal. I mean, I thought I was done for. And Molly was just standing there." He takes a deep breath, clearly shaken up, "I don't think she's coming back, Cal."

I shake my head no, "She has to. It's Molly. She-"

"She was gone. She looked me dead in the eye when Maxima was gonna kill me and didn't blink. Zara was right there, and she didn't care."

"She did," I insist, "She came back. She saved Zara and-"

"And she was gone again less than a minute later. It's different, Calum. She- Maxima- has a grip on her that she didn't have on me. They're more connected."

"We just need to Mercury Maxima then she'll be fine," I'm a little hysterical, "You can't give up on her, Luke. After everything-"

"I'm not giving up," he defends, But God Calum, the odds aren't good. Even if we Mercury Maxima, if they're still connected, what are the chances that Molly doesn't die with her?" Luke sniffles loudly, wiping his eyes, "Cal, with how connected they are, what if it's deeper than just control? What if they're linked mentally? If Maxima goes, then Molly might."

"And if we don't Mercury Maxima," I choke on my words, "Then she'll always have some kind of control over Molly." I start to cry softly.

"It's all my fault," Luke is a mess as well, "I started this whole thing. I should've never gone to that bar. I should've never told her Molly was alive. Blaze could've beaten her. I fucked everything up and now Molly might be gone for good."


"Everything was telling me not to go, not to take another shot, not to talk to her goon, but I didn't listen. I-"

"Guys!" Felix calls, sticking his head out the door, "We have a problem."

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