Chapter 36

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Molly's POV

"It wasn't you," I quickly defend, my heart racing, "It was Maxima. You were under her influence and control. I-"

"No," Luke argues, his voice shaking, "That was me. This was my fault. I went to her. I got the powers. I robbed a McDonald's employee at gunpoint. I did all of these awful things, Molly. I stabbed you and caused you to lose your pregna-"

"Stop," I plead, cutting him off, "Please, don't. I don't want to do this again. If we get into this fight, we'll just keep going back and forth with the blame until we get to where it's my fault because I faked my death and ran away, and I can't keep going back to that, Luke. I'm so tired of yelling about that. I'm so tired of you being mad at me. I just want to move on with life."

"I killed my niece or nephew," he says softly, staring at the thin hospital sheet covering his legs. 

"No," I assure him, just holding my brother close, "It wasn't you, Luke. It's fine, it's okay. I'm okay. Just calm down." He just clings to my arm, sobbing softly against my tee shirt. "Let's just agree to not be mad at each other anymore, okay? Like, no more blaming each other for all the shit that's happened."

He sniffles, "I'd like that. A lot." I nod and kiss his forehead, smiling softly.

"I missed you so fucking much," I mumble.

"So did I. Wait until we tell mum and dad that you're still alive," Luke teases, as he wipes his eyes and cheeks, his old spark returning as we talk. I can still see the guilt and pain in his eyes.

I throw my head back laughing, "Oh God they're never gonna forgive me. Not to mention Ben and Jack-"

"I'm gonna just invite them here and have you pop up out of nowhere."

"I'll give them a heart attack!" We both laugh loudly at the mental image. "If they get too mad, I can just mention your powers to distract them." His smiles fades as his nods slowly. I bite my lip, regretting my words.

"So, um, who all knows about this?" Luke changes the subject, his face falling again as the red glow grows stronger.

"Your powers? Only me and Sierra. Si and I figured that it might be best to not tell Michael, Ashton, Calum, Crys, and KayKay."

"How am I gonna hide this from them?" His arms are back in front of him now, the red energy glowing brighter.

"It's emotion based at first," I inform my older brother, "Until you really get them under control, they react with your emotions. Once you get them under control, it's a lot easier. But Luke, you know you don't have to hide them, right? They're your best friends."

"I know but I-"

"Oh!" A doctor exclaims, a surprised expression on her face, "You're both awake now. I'll let your friends know." She turns and walks out of our room, leaving Luke and I alone. Luke tenses up. I squeeze him one more time, then move back over into my bed.

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