Chapter 28

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Molly's POV

"Are you really sure that you have to leave, Molly?" Calum double checks as he watches me get dressed in my outfit from yesterday.

I laugh as I sit on the edge of the bed to put my boots on, "Yes, I'm sure. Owens wants to meet up with Blaze to try to figure out how she's gonna approach her first super villain."

"She doesn't know you're Blaze?"

"No," I answer, "Besides you guys, Felix is the only other one to know. Owens would've never gone along with our plan five years ago."

"Maybe you should've tried to include her then," he teases, poking my sides.

"Ha ha," I mock, "You're funny, Hood. Anyways, I have to go stop by Felix's apartment to get changed into my Blaze costume."

"Are you coming back later?" He holds onto my arm while staring into my eyes.

I bite my lip, "I'm not sure. Owens might want me out on patrol tonight for Maxima. She's been awfully quiet ever since that first kid came in. I'm worried she's gone after someone else and that she succeed this time in giving them powers."

"She'd have total control over them then, wouldn't she?" I nod nervously.

Calum takes a deep breath, then kisses me, "Go kick some supervillain ass, babe. But for the love of God, be careful Molly."

I flash him a sarcastic grin, "Always." I then teleport to my room in Felix's apartment and start getting changed.


"How was your night?" Felix inquires as we wait for his mom to call us into her office.

"It was good," I answer, "I talked to Ashton, Michael, and Calum a bit more as well as Sierra. I tried to talk to Luke, but he ran off. I don't know if he came back last night or not. I haven't heard anything else, so I assume he did."

"Well that's not great," he mutters, frowning.

I shrug, kind of done with that conversation, "Hey how do you think your mum would feel if I took my mask off in front of her?"

Felix's eyes brighten, "She'd be so surprised! She misses you so much. Are you thinking of just coming back as Psyche now? We could just tell the media that it was all part of an undercover operation and-"

"Whoa!" I laugh, "Slow down Felix. Maybe eventually, but I want Luke to be fine first. But I'm willing to come clean to your mum if you think she'd like it."

"She'd love it! I-"

"Hi Felix," Chief Owens cuts in, standing in her doorway, "Blaze." I nod politely, trying to keep the smile off of my face. "Sorry to keep you two waiting. I had to take a phone call from the mayor. Apparently that kid is talking and word of Maxima is starting to spread."

"It's fine mom," Felix assures her, taking the farther seat. I move into the room and quickly pull my mask off while she's closing the door. Owens turns around, sees me, and freezes, her jaw dropping in shock while Felix cackles loudly in the background.



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