Chapter 29

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Molly's POV

"My mom was so surprised earlier," Felix laughs as we sit in his police cruiser.

"I kind of got that when she didn't stop hugging me for almost an hour," I giggle, my feet propped up on his dash.

"I think it became even more clear after she cursed us both out for fifteen minutes." I throw my head back as I laugh.

"I'm glad I came clean to her," I smile, "It was time. She never liked me as Blaze as much as she liked me as Psyche."

"She doesn't like change. Do you know how long it took for her to really trust Psyche? Forever."

"Well I'm probably back to square one considering I've lied to her for the last five years."

"I'm right there with you, Molly. Anyways, are you getting out anytime soon? I'm hungry and have a shift in twenty minutes."

"Yeah, yeah," I mumble, putting my feet back on the floor, "I'm going. Stupid Maxima making me patrol and shit."

"I think you were the one who volunteered, actually," Felix reminds me.

I roll my eyes as I tie my mask around my head, "Blah Blah. It's details like that that just aren't important."

"Okay Molly," he concedes, a small smile on his face, "Are you coming home later or staying with Calum?"

"I'm probably gonna go to Calum's place. I didn't say goodbye to Zara this morning before I left since she was still asleep, so she's gonna be mad at me. But if I have a movie night with her and Cal, she'll be fine."

"Sounds like fun," he smiles, "Tell Zara hi from me. And be careful, Molly."

"Always am," I lie, making him roll his eyes, "Bye Felix. I'll see you tomorrow." I climb out of the police cruiser, close the door, and watch as he drives away, leaving me all alone in my former neighborhood. I sigh to myself and start walking around, keeping my eyes peeled for anything that looks suspicious or like it could even remotely be tied to Maxima.


Three hours later, I'm walking down another alley, bored out of my mind. There's been no sign of Maxima, her followers, or anyone that's even remotely connected to her. I sigh deeply and glance down at my phone. 10:34. I'll wait until 10:45 and if there's nothing after then, I'll call it a night and go back to Calum's house. It's too late for a movie night with him and Zara, but we can hang out tomorrow. I smile at the thought as I turn and start to walk down the alley again. Before I know it, something is smacking into me.

"Shit," I groan as someone slams into my body, "Sorry about that. I didn't realiz- Sierra?"

"Molly? Oh thank God I found you. I've been looking for hours, and this isn't the best part of the city, but I didn't know how else to contact you, and Calum said he didn't know when you'd be back or anything, and I'm so scared," she rambles, gripping my arms.

"What's wrong?" I demand, my stomach turning nervously at her words.

She swallows hard, her eyes wide with fear, "There's something wrong with Luke."

"What? What do you mean?"

"I, uh, I'm not even sure if I actually saw what I think I saw. Luke didn't come home until really late last night, so I fell asleep before he was back. But when he went into our bathroom, I heard him and could see him looking in the mirror, and it almost looked like he had red energy like your blue all around his body. I thought I was just hallucinating, so I tried to write it off, but when he turned off the bathroom light and was moving towards our bed, his eyes were, um, glowing red almost. Molly, I'm scared. Is this actually Luke? And if it is, what happened to him?" My stomach drops as it hits me.

Maxima got Luke.

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