Chapter 48

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Molly's POV

"Help," I choke out, feeling the anger growing as Maxima tries to take control of me again.

"What?" Luke frowns, still staying away as he eyes my cautiously, "Molly what the fuc-"

"Maxima injected me with something," I rush to explain, feeling myself slipping away again. Luke's eyes grow wide.

"I don't know-"

"She-" A piercing pain erupts in my head, nearly blinding me. I scream in agony, clutching my hands to the sides of my head. I fall to the ground, my head feeling like it's about to explode as the piercing pain just keeps getting worse. Suddenly, the world fades to black as I slip into unconsciousness.

Luke's POV

"Maxima injected me with something," Molly hastily explains, making my stomach sink. My eyes grow wide as I realize that she's taking control of her. Oh no.

"I don't know-"

"She-" Molly starts screaming in agony as she falls to the floor, her hands holding onto the sides of her head. She continues to scream and sob as she lays there, squeezing her eyes shut.

"What's going on?" Felix demands, rushing into the house.

"Maxima's trying to take control over he-" Felix doesn't let me finish before he pulls out his taser and fires it at Molly. She immediately stops screaming as she lays there on the floor unconscious.


"If Maxima's taking over her control, do you really want her conscious and free right now?" He demands, "With Zara and the others here?"


"Wha- What the fuck happened to her?" Calum screams, running over to Molly. He drops down to the floor, pulling her body against his.

"Maxima injected her with the serum she uses to control people," Felix starts to explain, "She apparently was losing control of herself."

"She fucking tried to kill Luke," Michael speaks up. He, Ashton, Crystal, KayKay, and Sierra are all huddled in the corner of the room.

"Well how the fuck do we help her?" Calum demands. My breathing increases as I realize that they're all looking at me, to me, for answers. Answers that I don't have. My chest tightens as I stumble until my back's against the wall. I slide down, unable to support myself as I pull on the ends of my hair. I can't do this. I can't help her. I don't know how to. I-

"Take a breath, Luke," Sierra tells me, her hand cupping my cheek.

"I can't-" I choke out, practically hyperventilating. She pulls my hands out of my hair, holding them tightly.

"You can. Breathe in. One, two, three, four, five. Out one, two, three, four, five. Again." I breathe with her counting, calming myself down some.

"I don't know how to help her," I squeak out, "I don't know- It's weird. You have to be shocked out of her control, but Maxima's not in full control of her and-"

"It's okay, Luke," Crystal assures me. I nod, my eyes watery.

"I'm gonna put her in a cell for now," Felix sighs, "I don't want to but having her out and not in control of herself is so dangerous." I nod sadly, watching as he scoops Molly up and carries her out to his car.

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