Chapter 19

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2 Months Later

Molly's POV

"Shit," Felix swears as he climbs back into his police cruiser. I glance over at him wearily. "Anthony's story checks out. The owners of the restaurant positively ID-ed Anthony as being in here the day he claims he was. Apparently he was over at the bar, even though he's underage, but before they could ask him to leave and go back over to the restaurant section, some man came up to him and started talking. Employees figured it was his dad or uncle and they were just meeting, so they dropped it.  They say they left together five minutes later. They're supposed to be providing us with security footage within the next couple of days. If these cameras don't show the person he was with, we're fucked, Molly.  I means, it took us almost three months to get Anthony to even remember the name of the fucking bar he was at." 

"Great," I mumble, my mind miles away from this, "Meanwhile Maxima is robbing places and probably gathering an army."

"I can't believe we almost officially have yet another supervillain," Felix moans, "What is this now? Five?"

"I guess if you count Shockwave and Aftershock as super, even though one of them didn't actually have powers and the other barely had powers." I glance out the window, my face smooshed against my hand.

"Molly, what's wrong? You seem out of it today?" He touches my arm softly.

I bite my lip and turn to look at him, my shoulders sagging, "You were right, Felix."

He blinks in surprise, "I am? I mean, of course I am? What am I right about this time?"

"What I'm doing isn't fair to Calum. I shouldn't have ever even interacted with him again. I ruined everything."

"Hey," he chides, "Don't be too hard on yourself, Molly. Where's this even coming from? I mean, just earlier you were talking about how you can maybe be together. Not to mention, it's been a while since you started hooking up in the first place. That means he does still love you, and it's not the just initial shock of seeing you again that was making him sleep with you again."

"I've been thinking," I shrug, rolling my eyes, "I was just being selfish. All I wanted for five years was to go back and be with him, to undo that stupid ass 'faking my death' plan. Once I got close to him, I lost all control and all judgment. I can't hurt them anymore, Felix. I can't put Luke, Calum, Michael, Ashton, and the others through anymore pain. I was naive to think that I could ever get my old life back." Felix is quiet for a few minutes as he thinks.

"So what are you going to do?"

I swallow hard, my throat burning as I take a shaky breath, "I'm gonna find him and break up with him for good this time."

"And if that genius plan doesn't work?"

I look down at the ground, "I'm telling him I'm leaving L.A." I wait for Felix's protests. Instead he snorts. I glance up at him in confusion.

"Like that'll ever work, Molly. Calum is a fucking lovesick puppy, even after five years. He's not just gonna let you go, especially with a bad lie like that. He'll just drive around the city until he finds you, then he'll sweet talk you, and you'll be right back in bed with him."

"Felix," I start slowly, "I'm not lying about leaving L.A. It's time for me to go. I can't stay here anymore. I-"

"No!" He cuts in, his face a mixture of sadness and shock, "You can't leave Molly! You're my best friend. I need you here. Not to mention the fact that you're Blaze and the city needs you. Especially now with Maxima on the loose-"

"I'm staying until after she's gone," I assure him, "But after that, I have to go. I don't want to leave you or LA, but it's for the best. I-" I stop myself as tears start to run down my cheeks. Felix just pulls me into his arms, clinging to me tightly.

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