Chapter 34

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Calum's POV

"Hemmings?" A doctor calls, her eyes trained on her clipboard as she scans the paper on it.

"Yeah?" I reply, practically jumping to my feet. Ashton, Michael, and Sierra all scramble to their feet as well.

"Which one?" Sierra adds, gripping my upper arm.

"Both Luke and Molly," she answers, "My name is Dr. Lee, and I'm in charge of treatment for Molly and Luke. Starting with Luke, his injuries are mostly to his head. It appears he hit it pretty hard against what was most likely concrete and is suffering from a mild concussion as well as a few small, but deep gashes, some broken ribs, and has a few areas with major bruising. Molly, on the other hand, pretty much only has the stab wound and a black eye. There is also some minor bruising and cuts. She lost a lot of blood. She's lucky she got to us when she did because if she didn't, she probably wouldn't have survived. Unfortunately we weren't able to save the baby."

I whip my head up, "The baby?"

"Molly was about two to two and a half months pregnant. Her stab wound was to her abdomen. There was no hope by the time she arrived. Their room will be open to visitors as soon as they both wake up. If you have any questions, let me know, and I will do my best to answer them. Thank you." She gives us a small smile, then walks away. I fall back into my chair, a little short of breath.

"Molly was pregnant?" Michael asks softly, squatting down beside me, "Did you know Calum?"

I look up at him, my eyes wide, "No. I had no idea. I, uh, I don't even know."

"Was it yours?" Sierra inquires, sitting down in the chair beside mine, "Like would the timeline match up?"

I nod slowly, "Yeah. That's right around the time when I found Blaze. It would've been from when I slept with her, thinking she was just Blaze."

"Nice," Ashton jokes, making Sierra smack his arm lightly.

"I wonder if she knew," Michael mumbles softly. We all fall into silence, desperate for Molly and Luke to wake up so we can see them and maybe get some answers.

Luke's POV

I blink awake, groaning loudly at the blinding florescent lights up above me. I move my arm, trying to block my eyes, only to be met with some resistance. I glance over and see an IV attached to my left arm. I frown as I search my brain for any clue as to why I'm in a hospital room. I glance over to my left and see Molly laying in a bed across the room. My heart nearly stops as it all comes rushing back to me. Us fighting, me storming out, getting powers, leaving Sierra alone because she found Molly, Maxima controlling me, mine and Molly's fight, me stabbing Molly. I'm queasy by the last one. I look back over at her, relieved to not see too many cuts and bruises along her body. Guilt still continues to churn in my body though, making me feel sick. I bite my lip and glance down at my arms, horrified to still see the red energy swirling around them. A few hot tears rush down my cheeks as I watch it, realizing that I'm now permanently branded with these powers, the powers I only got and used to try to kill my little sister.

"Don't worry," a voice calls weakly, making me whip my head up, "It'll get easier." Molly stares at me with a small sympathetic smile.

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