Chapter 9

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Molly's POV

I appear in Felix's living room and immediately collapse onto the ground. I pull the mask off of my face and toss it to the side as I flip over onto my back, trying to catch my breath. Damn that power. What's the point of having it if I can't even use it without actually dying or feeling like I'm going to.

"Felix?" I call, panting slightly. I don't know if it's from the rush of what just happened, the fact I slept with Calum again, or the use of that power. My phone dings. I groan and pull it out, looking at my new message.

We may have something big. Get down to the station now.

On my way

I groan and force myself back to my feet, the burn in my body slowly dwindling away. I take another deep breath as I re-tie my mask around my head, then teleport to Felix's desk at the police station. He doesn't even flinch as I take the seat beside his desk.

"What do you have?"

Felix's eyes leave the file on his desk and go to me. He blinks in surprise at my shirt, then narrows his eyes in anger, shaking his head in disappointment. But he stays silent. My face burns with shame.

"We have some teen kid here claiming there's a new supervillain who offered to give him powers," my best friend answers, his jaw clenched as he reads from the file.

"What?" I demand, my stomach dropping, "That's-"

"Apparently he's alleging that she can mind control people. I'm not quite sure what exactly is going on. He's pretty shaken up."

"Can I talk to him?" I push, leaning forward slightly, "I want to see what I can get out of him."

"He's in interrogation right now," he responds, his voice monotoned, "My mom is interviewing him in there."

Rage burns in my chest, "Why is he being interviewed in the interrogation room? Jesus that room is scary enough for adults. He's just a kid."

He shrugs, "We all think he's lying, her especially. She's trying to really emphasize to him that you'll get in serious trouble for lying to the police. She wouldn't listen to me if I said anything so-"

"But you're her son."

"Yeah, but she's not exactly like she used to be, Blaze," Felix sighs, leaning back in his chair, "You don't come around often so you don't know, but she changed after Psyche died. She's not as trusting as she used to be."


Someone clears their throat, interrupting our hushed conversation. Felix and I both glance up and see two younger cops standing there. They both stare at me with wide eyes.

"Rudder, Nichols, this is Blaze. Blaze these are two of our best officers, Lewis Rudder and Leia Nichols. How can I help you two?"

"Chief sent us over here to get the case file from you," Nichols answers, avoiding my eye, her cheeks red. Felix passes it over to her. "Sorry for interrupting."

"I'm sure Felix is sorry for interrupting whatever important person you were doing before. I mean, thing," Rudder jokes, staring at Calum's big tee shirt, which is still on me. I roll my eyes, a little tempted to make a snarky remark back. All of the cops here are always a bit rude and snarky to me. They miss Psyche. I can't blame them.

"Rudder!" Felix snaps, "That is enough. Take the file to the Chief." They both nod and walk away, their heads lowered, clearly embarrassed by getting yelled at in front of everyone.

"Thanks," I mumble to him.

"Whatever Blaze," Felix mutters, "I'll see you at home later." I watch as he leaves me at his desk, making me feel even shittier.

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