Chapter 27

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Molly's POV

"I knew about mummy before anyone else," Zara brags to Michael, Ashton, and Calum. She's flopped across my lap, her tiny arms wrapped around my neck.

"Well aren't you special, Z?" Michael teases, poking her stomach. She giggles loudly, her body twisting as she tries to avoid being tickled.

"We're just happy to have you back, Molly," Ashton smiles, "So Inferno really wasn't dead?"

I shake my head no, "He was hiding out at a warehouse, planning his attack and waiting for the perfect time to strike. Once I-" I hesitate, glancing down at Zara, who's staring up at me, "Had my accident, it startled him and gave me the edge I needed to beat him."

"Who's Inferno?" Zara inquires, her eyes wide.

"He was a bad guy, honey," Calum answers, running his fingers through her tangled hair. She nods, not impressed.

"I'm gonna go play tea party with Duke," Zara informs all of us, climbing off of my lap.

"Okay," I reply, grabbing her arm. I pull her close and kiss her forehead, making her laugh loudly.

"You only have an hour until bedtime," Calum warns as she runs up the stairs, Duke scrambling after her. Zara doesn't answer. I sigh happily and lean back against Calum's chest. His arms wrap around my body. He rests his chin on the top of my head.

"So are you guys back together now or..." Michael trails off, a small smile on his lips. I shrug.

"I mean, we haven't really talked about it or anything," Calum adds, his fingers rubbing against my stomach absent-mindedly.

"At the moment, we're just, here," I continue, "You know?"

"What about Luke?" Ashton questions, making my mood sink.

I sigh deeply, "He hates my guts and rightfully so. I tried to talk to him earlier, and he stormed out and never came back home. I feel awful."

"Luke will come around," Calum tries to reason with me, "Just-"

"Give him time," I interrupt, "I've heard. It's just frustrating. I can't hurt him anymore." They all grow quiet, the mood suddenly less cheerful.

"What happens if he doesn't come around?" Michael asks me, his body tensing up.

"I'll leave LA," I answer honestly, making Calum's grip on me tighten dramatically.


"No," I cut Ashton off, "Don't try to reason with me or change my mind. I'm the one who fucked everything up five years ago. I won't continue to hurt Luke now, and I won't put you guys against him or vice versa. I don't want to, but I can't-"

"Shh," Calum mumbles in my ear, kissing the top of my head.

"I really, really hope he comes around soon," Michael assures me. I crack a smile again. My phone starts to buzz in my pocket, making me groan and lean forward to pull it out of my back pocket.

Are you coming home tonight?
My mom wants to meet tomorrow to try to talk strategy for Maxima with Blaze tomorrow morning.

I'll probably come home early tomorrow.

Spending the night with Calum 😜

At least you know where you rank 😂😂

Damn.... And after all I've done for you...


"You good, Molly?" Ashton laughs, seeing the smile on my face.

"Yeah," I reply, putting my phone back into my pocket, "Felix just texted to tell me I have a meeting with Owens tomorrow and wanted to know if I was coming home tonight or not. I told him not, assuming that's fine with you." I turn to look up at Calum.

He nods, "Sounds perfect to me.

"Ooh," Michael teases, "Someone's getting laid tonight." Calum grabs a pillow and throws it at his face while Ashton and I laugh loudly.

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