Chapter 8

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Molly's POV

I wake up as soon as I feel a hand on the back of my head. My eyes open, revealing Calum sitting up, reaching for the strings that are currently holding my mask to my face. I smack his hand away from me as I glare.


"Save it, Calum," I cut in, my heart racing as I kick the blanket off of my legs. I grab my pants off of the floor and hurriedly put them on. I grab my boots and shove them on as well before snatching my crop top and jacket off of the floor. I'll just take Calum's shirt for now. I pause for a second and look back up at him, "I told you no."

"I needed to see something," he argues, also getting out of bed. He pulls a pair of sweatpants on as he stands in front of the window, blocking my escape route. This peaks my curiosity.

"What?" I demand, crossing my arms over my chest. Calum hesitates, his eyes trained on the ground. His shoulders sag as he starts to easier his head. Suddenly he freezes, his gaze locked on my arms. My stomach turns uneasily, "Hello? Earth to Calum?"

"You're Molly," my ex breathes out, his jaw dropping. I nearly shit myself. Keep your composure, I remind myself.

"I don't know who you're talking about," I lie, trying my absolute best to keep my voice steady. Felix is gonna kill me. I need to fix this now.

"Yes you do," Calum argues, taking a couple steps closer to me, "You're Molly Hemmings, Psyche, my ex-fiancee." My heart aches at the list.

"Psyche is dead," I remind Calum, "Psyche has been dead for five years. I'm Blaze." He moves directly in front of me, his torso bumping against my skin. We stare at each other, the silence deafening. I fooled him, I think, my hopes jumping up. Then Calum speaks again, making me almost cry.

"Then take off the mask."

"What?" I squeak out, clutching my jacket to my chest. He wouldn't.

Calum shrugs, a smug smirk on his lips as he crosses his arms, "Take off your mask. Prove me wrong. Prove to me that you're not Molly."

"Then you'll know what I look like under the mask," I try to reason, involuntarily taking a step backwards, "I-"

"I won't tell anyone," he promises me, offering me his pinkie finger. I glance down at it, then back up at him before sighing in defeat. I toss my jacket and crop top onto his bed and reach behind me, untying the mask, willing my face to change to be unrecognizable. My body starts to burn as I use this power. I grit my teeth, fighting through the pain as I pull the mask away from my face. Calum watches unblinkingly. His face falls, nearly making me cry out in relief.


"I need to go," I jump in, retying my mask as quickly as possible. I grab my stuff, then push past him, going out through the window. I hit the ground and let go, allowing my face to go back to normal under the mask. I sigh in relief, my body still burning as I take a deep breath and teleport back to Felix's apartment, not ready to face him.

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