Chapter 47

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Molly's POV

"Oh my God!" Calum sobs loudly. He immediately grabs Zara, pulling her into his arms as he nearly crushes her. He grabs me as well, crying softly. I hold him, watching as Luke relaxes against Sierra, letting her hold him tightly.

"What the fu- What happened?" Michael demands.

"Come on Zara," Calum immediately says, standing up as he takes our sobbing daughter upstairs to get cleaned up and bandage her small cuts and scrapes.

"I was gonna finally defeat Maxima," I grumble, my mood souring, "Until Luke fucked it up."

He rolls his eyes, his expression darkening, "By defeating her, did you mean fucking killing yourself? Just shut the fuck up and say thank you, Molly."

"Thank you?" I nearly laugh, "Maxima's still out there, Luke. She knows where I live. She knows my fucking daughter. I was gonna get rid of the problem. I don't think you understand-"

"Stop acting like I'm stupid, Molly," he snaps, "I'm not. I may have just gotten powers, but that doesn't mean you're smarter than me and can treat me like shit for saving your life."

My cheeks burn, "I am not." I pretend to not notice the others pretending to not listen to our argument.

"Yes, you are," Luke persists, "I came to help, and you told me to leave because you weren't gonna babysit. You don't know what would've happened. Sure, maybe you could've gone back in time and just let yourself die. But maybe, you don't have enough power for that. Maybe Maxima would've killed you before you got the chance. Maybe Maxima has a power that would just undo it. Maybe Maxima would still exist, even if you let yourself die because the whole goddamn world doesn't revolve around you, Molly."


"You made a bad fucking choice five years ago. None of us are gonna sit here and act like you didn't. But that doesn't mean that everything that happened in the world is because of that choice because, newsflash, the world doesn't revolve around you, Molly. Stop acting like you have to be a goddamn martyr and do everything alone." I grit my teeth, not liking how accurate his rant is. He's right. But something in me refuses to surrender. Rage starts to burn in my chest. 

"So what's your grand plan then, Luke?" I challenge, standing up, "Hmmm? How are we supposed to beat Maxima? The power of teamwork? Friendship, maybe? Just admit it. You blew our one shot at beating her."

"One shot?" He repeats, rolling his eyes as he also stands up, "Why exactly do we only get one shot at her, Molly? You and I both know she's a spiteful piece of shit and is gonna strike again. Are we both gonna lose our powers before then or something?"

"Maybe," I snap, not backing down, "How am I supposed to know? You were her bitch, not me." Luke's eyes start to glow red as he gets angry and loses control of his powers. I feel my blue energy rush up and down my arms immediately after.

"Molly-" Michael starts. I ignore him.

"Take it back," my older brother says quietly, his voice shaking.

"What?" I taunt.

"Take it back, Molly!" Luke screams, the red energy errupting down his arms, "Take it back now!"

I smirk, unable to help myself, "Or what, Vengeance?" He immediately lunges, catching me of guard. He pushes me back into the wall. I glare as I rush forward, throwing a punch at his face. My fist hits his cheek. He stumbles backwards, pure anger in his eyes. Good. The boys, Sierra, Crystal, and KayKay are shouting at us.

"Stop it!" Ashton screams, trying to break us apart. Luke and I both ignore him and start throwing punches, just attacking each other. Luke slams his leg into mine, sweeping me off of my feet. I hit the ground, my head smacking against the hardwood floors. I immediately do the same to him, sending him tumbling down as well. While he's down, I scramble over, crawling on top of him. I wrap my hands around his throat, pure anger, rage, and hatred seething from my body and mind. Luke gasps for air, his eyes wide and panicky as he claws at my hands, trying to pry them off. Sierra and the others scream and cry, but can't seem to get over to us. Luke's body starts to go a little slack. That's when something in my mind snaps.

I look down and see the fear in my brother's eyes. I immediately let go of him, confused as to what's even going on. As soon as my grip loosens, he takes a breath then sends me flying backwards into the wall. He scrambles to his knees, his eyes wide as he stares at me in fear. I blink, confused.

Kill them, a nasty voice in my head screams, Kill them all. Now!

Maxima. I realize, my stomach dropping. My mind flashes back to right before Zara called out for me in that warehouse. The prick I felt in my arm. She must've injected me with the same shit she used on Luke to take control of him.

Kill him now!! She screams in my mind. I feel my anger start to bubble and grow again.

"Help," I choke out.

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