Chapter 26

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Luke's POV

"Fuck," I moan, resting my head against the bar top. I briefly consider getting up to call an Uber, but then Molly flashes in my brain, making anger start pumping through my veins again. I lift my head up and down another shot, barely feeling the burn in the back of my throat.

"Rough day?" The man next to me calls, a small smirk on his face. I lazily look over at him, my vision swimming.

"My stupid sister returned from the dead after five years," I slur. His eyebrows raise, showing he's interested. I watch as he waves the bartender over and orders us two more rounds of shots. I don't hesitate before downing one.

"So how'd your sister just re-"

"She has superpowers," I answer, anticipating his question, "She, uh, I forgot what I was gonna say."

"She does?" He double checks. I nod, trying to ignore the pounding in my head.

"Do you? Since you're siblings?" I shake my head no. "What if I told you I knew how you could get powers of your own?" I hesitate, something nagging at me in the back of my mind. He notices and pushes forward, "Come on. I bet you're mad at her, right? I bet you always have to rely on her to protect you and the people you care about. This way, you could protect them yourself." I feel my anger at Molly continue to grow until my hands are curled into fists and my teeth are gritted together.

"How?" I demand, leaning closer. He flashes me a toothy grin, then helps me to stumble out of the bar and over to presumably his junky car.


"Maxima!" The man screams, making me wince. We were at some random warehouse, I'm not sure where. I passed out after getting into his car. I glance around at my surroundings until a woman walks into the room. She's dressed in a pantsuit that's an ugly shade of purple. A smiliarly colored mask covers her face.

"Anger," she notes, stopping in front of me, "From what?"

"His sister just came back from the dead," the man pipes up before I can answer, "He says she has superpowers." This information catches her attention.

"Is that so?" I nod. "What's your name?"

"Luke Hemmings." Both of them whip their heads over to face me, disbelief on their faces.

"Molly Hemmings is your sister, and she's alive?"

"She's Blaze," I respond, my jaw clenching. Maxima moves closer to me, and I feel my rage intensify. Her lips curl upwards into a nasty smile.

"Perfect. So Luke, you want me to give you powers, so that you don't have to rely on your flakey sister to protect you anymore? Is that right?" I nod. She grabs my chin, her face inches from mine, "Are you willing to surrender control over to me?" I glance over to my left and see the man holding a syringe in his hand. There's a red liquid inside of it. "Luke?" Maxima calls, her green eyes glowing brighter.

"Yes," I answer, my brain fuzzy and head pounding.

"Perfect." Her eyes close. I feel my heart start to pump faster as my fury grows and grows. I feel a tiny prick in my arm and glance down to see that the needle attached to the syringe is now stuck deep into my arm. I watch as the liquid gets pushed into my bloodstream before my eyes roll back in my head and I collapse to the ground.

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