Chapter 52

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Two days later

Calum's POV

"I want mummy!" Zara screams at the top of her lungs as I try to pack a few outfits for her. She stomps her foot down, her bottom lip stuck out in a pout.

"I know," I assure her, "I know Zara. I miss her too. We're trying to get her."

"I want her now!"

I take a deep breath, trying to stay patient, "Well right now, we're going over to Uncle Felix's."


"Because he misses you," I lie. I can't find it in me to admit the truth, that I'm scared absolutely shitless Molly might try to come and take her. Felix suggested that all of us go to a safe house for a few days to hide from Molly and Maxima.

"You guys ready?" Michael asks, poking his head into the room. Crystal is with him. Zara immediately rushes over to Crystal, jumping up into her arms. They head downstairs. I grab a few more toys, then zip the bag.

"I guess," I sigh deeply, "I feel bad lying to her."

"I know, Cal," Michael sympathizes, "But it's for the best. It's not safe."

I bite my lip, "Trust me, I know." He stops me, giving me a look. I take a deep breath, "I might just be paranoid, but I could've sworn I saw Molly outside the last few nights. I'm not saying like about to come in or watching through a window, but like watching the house from a distance."

"That's weird," Michael frowns deeper, "Do you think something in her knows this is where her family is or..."

I shake my head no, biting down on my lip, "It feels like she's spying on us. Michael, Zara might get powers. No one knows for sure, but there's a chance. Inferno wanted to take Zara for the possibility she could have powers. What if that's part of Maxima's plan too? I-"

"What?" His eyes are wide.

"I think she might be starting to show signs of having them," I confess, my voice a whisper, "She'll scrape her knee, and it'll be completed healed an hour later. Things that I left a certain place will pop up somewhere else completely. I don't know if it's just the part of Molly she has, or if it's her developing her own powers."

"When did this start?"

"Maybe a day or two before Molly disappeared. I never said anything about it to anyone, but I don't know if Molly noticed at all. If she did and she told Maxima-" I feel sick as I squeeze my eyes shut, "She's a child. She flips from happy to pissed in a heartbeat. With Maxima's control-"

"She's not gonna get Zara, Calum," Michael tells me firmly as we start to walk again, "I promise." I nod slowly, my jaw clenched. We meet the others outside the house.

"Felix said to drive to the police station and then we're gonna hop into a different car. That way they can track us using license plates," Luke explains, his hands shoved into his hoodie pockets. I nod and climb into the car beside Zara and Sierra before Ashton starts to drive off.

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