Chapter 50

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Calum's POV

"Daddy what's wrong?" My baby girl asks me, frowning as I watch her play, tears in my eyes. She comes over and sits beside me, wrapping her tiny arms around my torso as she hugs me.

"Nothing sweetie," I lie, my throat burning. She stares up at me with her wide, blue eyes. Molly's eyes. My heart starts to ache even more. I hold my daughter a little closer, kissing the top of her head. My tears start to roll down my cheeks as I realize that Luke is right. Zara in danger is probably the only thing that will snap Molly out of Maxima's control.

"Hey Calum," Luke says quietly, walking into Zara's room, "Hey Z." He takes a seat on the floor beside me.

"Uncle Luke!" Her face lights up as she hugs him tightly. Luke tenses slightly but hugs her back. Zara breaks away a moment later, going over to her dream house on the other side of the room. I wipe my eyes and cheeks with the sleeve of my shirt, feeling miserable.

"You're right," I whisper, not taking my eyes off of my little girl, "I know you are, but I can't do it Luke."

"I know, Cal," he assures me, his voice gentle, "We won't ask you to. We'll try to come up with something else."

"She's my baby," I continue, unsure if I'm talking to him or myself, "If I lose her too-" My voice breaks, "Molly is already- I can't lose Zara too."

"It's okay, Calum," Luke repeats, "Really. I don't want you to put her in danger either. I, uh, I think I'm gonna go try to find them later."

"What?" I demand, whipping my head over to face him, "Luke, Molly almost killed you the last time she saw you. And Maxima didn't even have full control over her then. It would be a suicide mission."

"I know," he offers me a pained smile, "That's how she was able to fight Maxima off some before. She almost killed me and regained a little control." The lightbulb goes off over my head.

"Tell me that you're not planning on going and letting Molly kill you to snap her out of Maxima's control," I hiss.

"If Molly can break her control, she can defeat Maxima," he argues.

"And she's just supposed to live with the guilt of killing you?" I demand, "Luke, sacrificing yourself is not an option."

"I have powsrs, so I'll probably come back. Look, it's my fault we're in this mess in the first place," he argues, "If it means I can save my sister-"

"Oh shut up," I roll my eyes, "Why is it that you and Molly both have this weird hero complex? Losing you isn't an option Luke. Neither is losing Molly. We need a plan to save her that doesn't involve risking your lives."


"I'm fucking serious, Luke. I lost Molly for five years. I'm not gonna lose you too." He nods, giving up. I sigh deeply as I turn my attention back to Zara, feeling absolutely lost and helpless.

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