Chapter 54

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Calum's POV

"Zara!" I scream, panicked as my five year old daughter plants herself between Maxima and Luke, a determined look on her little face. I watch in horror.

"Mummy!" She cries out, "I want mummy." I hold my breath. This is it. Zara is right in front of Molly, in danger. Luke's in danger. If she's coming back, it's now. Please.

Molly simply tilts her head to the side, glancing at Zara curiously. Her eyes continue to glow red. Luke reaches up and grabs Zara's arm, trying to pull her back away from Maxima.

"No!" My daughter protests, yanking her arm away, "I want mummy!"

"Your mommy's gone," Maxima snarls, a nasty grin plastered on her face, "Time to go." She waves her hand and Zara goes flying backwards towards a stack of cars.

"No!" I scream, seemingly unable to move. In a flash, Molly is over there, catching Zara's tiny body with her own before she even leaves the air, her eyes blue and wide.

"She's back," Sierra gasps out. Zara sobs loudly, clinging to Molly. She kisses her head, holding her tightly. My heart thunders in my chest. She's okay. They're both okay.

"No!" Maxima yells, looking meaner than I've ever seen before, "No! You're mine! Malice!" Molly's body goes rigid again. Her eyes change from blue to red then blue. They continue to flicker back and forth. Molly holds her head, very clearly struggling as she fights against Maxima's influence. Luke grabs Maxima's ankles, yanking hard. She tumbles to the ground, breaking eye contact with Molly, who grabs Zara and super speeds over to me. She's got Luke with her too.

"Stay," she commands to both of them, her voice cold as she shoves Zara into my arms. Luke stumbles back into Sierra. I turn to look at Molly, but she's gone again, zipping away in a flash. But so is Maxima. Something is still wrong with her, I realize. I turn my attention down to my daughter, who is still sobbing.

"What were you thinking, Zara?" I demand, holding her tighter, "Oh God." Sierra has her arms wrapped around Luke.

"I want mummy," Zara sniffles, finally calming down a little.

"Where'd she even go?" Ashton frowns, moving over with us. All around, people are trying to run away now that Maxima and Molly are both gone.

"I don't know."

"Luke, are you okay?" Michael demands, holding his shoulder.

"My head hurts," Luke mumbles weakly, looking absolutely drained, "I feel like I'm gonna be sick."

"Sit down for a minute," Felix instructs. He nods, sitting down on the sidewalk. He leans back against a building. Sierra sits beside him, holding his hands tightly.

"I want mummy," Zara sniffles from my arms, slightly calmed down now.

"I know," I kiss her head again, "Mu-"

"I miss her," she cries, cutting me off. I open my mouth, then close it. She doesn't believe the same few lines I've been repeating. What's the point in trying to get her to listen now?

"What happens if she can't break free of Maxima?" KayKay's voice is quiet. None of us answer.

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