Chapter 7

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Calum's POV

I wake up and see Blaze still sleeping beside me, her body curled up against mine with her still masked face pressed against my chest. It's similar to what Molly used to do. I bite my lip and continue to observe her, my unease growing as I continue to notice the many similarities between Blaze and my dead ex. She moves slightly in her sleep, and I notice a necklace resting on her chest. It's a 5SOS ring on a chain. Beside the ring, there's a Z charm. My heart starts to race. That's weird. I bite my lip as I reach down and brush some of Blaze's fiery red hair away from her left ear, revealing a birth mark shaped like a deformed heart.

Just like Molly.

My blood runs cold. It can't be her. I sit up, careful to not wake the sleeping girl beside me. I stare at her, suddenly realizing just how similar Molly and Blaze look. Without the red hair, Blaze could easily be a slightly older version of Molly. I take a deep breath, my hands shaking as I reach over and find the strings attached to the mask. Before I can untie them, Blaze's eyes are flying open, nearly making me shit myself. She smacks my hand away, her formally bright blue eyes now dark as she glares at me.


"Save it, Calum," she snaps, throwing the blanket off of herself. She hurriedly shimmies into her leather pants. She pulls her boots on and gathers her jacket and crop top, still wearing my tee shirt from earlier. "I told you no."

"I needed to see something," I defend, scrambling to get out of my bed. I pull my sweatpants on and block the window.

"What?" Her voice is hard, and her arms are crossed over her chest. I hesitate. She can't be Molly. I glance up and meet her eye, ready to just apologize. That's when I see the long, jagged scar on her right arm, up by her elbow. I get smacked with a flashback of the day Molly and I decided to sneak out and go to the beach at night. She tripped while we were climbing down the rocks and cut her arm pretty badly, but refused to let me take her to the hospital since no one excpet us knew about her powers at the time. She healed within a day, but was left with that scar.

"Hello?" Blaze calls, "Earth to Calum?"

"You're Molly," I breathe out, shock nearly overtaking me. Blaze's eyes grow wide, her lips partly slightly. She recovers almost instantly.

"I don't know who you're talking about," she lies, her voice trembling. I can see her pull her arms a little closer to her body, her way of trying to shut herself off from the world more.

"Yes you do," I push, taking a couple steps closer to her, "You're Molly Hemmings, Psyche, my ex-fiancee."

"Psyche is dead," she persists, "Psyche has been dead for five years. I'm Blaze." I move directly in front of her, her arms touching my torso. We stare at each other, both of us afraid to say anything. I break the silence.

"Then take off the mask."

"What?" She squeaks, clutching her jacket to her chest.

I shrug, crossing my arms, "Take off your mask. Prove me wrong. Prove to me that you're not Molly."

"Then you'll know what I look like under the mask," she argues, taking a step back, "I-"

"I won't tell anyone," I promise her, holding out my pinkie. She glances down at it, then back up at me before sighing in defeat. I watch anxiously as she tosses her jacket and crop top onto my bed and reaches behind her, untying the mask. My stomach flips as she pulls it off and looks at me. My heart drops.

She's not Molly.

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