Chapter 51

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Calum's POV

"Alright Zara," I call as I walk into the living room, "It's way past your bedtime. Let's go."

"No," she whines through a yawn, snuggling closer to Michael, "I'm not sleepy daddy."

I smile softly at her, "Let's go get your jammies on and then we'll see." She pouts, but gives in, climbing off of the couch. She says goodnight to the boys, Crys, KayKay, and Sierra, then takes my hand as we go upstairs to her room.

"Daddy?" Zara yawns as I help her into her Disney Princess PJs, "Where's mummy?"

I pause, "I'm not sure baby."

"Did she leave us?" There are tears in Zara's eyes, "I miss her."

My throat burns as I try to fight off my own tears, "I do too, Zara. Mummy's not really herself at the moment though. She's..." I trail off.

"Did the mean lady get her? Like me?" Her eyes are full of fear.

I pull Zara into my arms, kissing the top of her head, "Sort of. But it's okay. Mummy's gonna be fine. And then she'll come back home with us."

"I wanna help save mummy," my daughter declares.

"I know you do, Z," I assure her, "But it's dangerous. Mummy wouldn't wan-"

"I wanna help," she insists.

I take a deep breath, my heart aching, "We'll see." She nods, hugging me tightly. I hold onto her, terrified of letting her go.


"If I were to say okay to using Zara to snap Molly out of this, how would we be protecting my daughter?" I demand as soon as I get downstairs. All six of my friends look at me in shock, their eyes wide.

"Are you?" Ashton questions.

"No," I clarify, "If I did though, what would be the plan?" No one says anything. I blink in shock, "Wait. There's not even a fucking plan? We'd just be putting Zara in front of Maxima and zombie Molly and hoping that neither of them hurts her?"

"I could probably protect her," Luke speaks up finally, "I would have to practice- Not with her!" He cuts in, seeing the look on my face, "But if I could figure it out, I could do it. If Maxima tries to hurt her, Molly would snap out of it."

"But this is all dependant on powers that you, no offense, barely have any control over," I point out. Luke shrugs, not arguing.

"It's not a good option," Sierra agrees, "But what other options do we have? It's only a matter of time before Maxima and Molly start destroying shit or taking over. Molly can literally change reality. Do you really think Maixma cares if she kills her by making her use that power?" We all wince.

"Well we need to try to figure out a plan B," I sigh in defeat, "Or you need to try to get more control over your powers."

"Agreed," Michael nods, "I just hope that whatever Maxima has planned won't happen for a while still." We all nod, unable to find anything more to say.

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