Chapter 56

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Calum's POV

"What is it?" I frown, wiping my cheeks.

"Do either of you have hotspots turned on?" He demands, ignoring my question, "Or anything that would be producing a WiFi signal?" He's got his tablet in his hands.

"No," I shake my head. Luke nods in agreement. Felix pales dramatically.

"What the hell is going on?" Luke urges.

"There's something in the house or nearby that's giving off a WiFi signal. And I don't know what the fuck it is."


"So," he rolls his eyes, "That means, someone can track us." And that's when my blood turns cold. I shove past him, rushing into the house. I tear up the stairs, nearly slipping as I run to Zara's room. I need to see she's okay. I need- I stop dead in my tracks, standing in the doorway of her room.

The curtains blow slightly in the breeze. The nightlight illumates a shadowy figure sitting on the bed beside my daughter, running her hands through her dark hair as she sleeps.

"Hey Cal." Molly's voice nearly knocks me over. It's cruel and mocking. She lifts her head up, showing me her red eyes. I can't seem to catch my breath.

"Molly," I swallow hard, not daring to take another step towards her, "Molly, it's me."

"I know," she replies coldly, "Oh wait. Was that supposed to snap me out of it? Bring me back to you?" She's teasing me. I scour the room for anything I could use to get her away from Zara. Nothing. I'm powerless against her, and she knows it.

"We can help you," I try a different angle. I inch forward half a step. She doesn't flinch at my movement, completely unphased. "Molly-"

"Malice," she corrects, "Molly was weak. She's gone." I wince, trying to ignore the burning in my throat. It's a lie, I tell myself desperately.

"Calu- oh no," Felix gasps. He stops behind me.

"Hey Felix," she laughs, "I was just explaining to Calum that Molly is dead. She was weak and unwilling to do what was necessary to protect her family. I however, am not."

"Malice," Felix winces at the name, "Uh, why are you here?"

"I'm here for Zara," she brushes hair behind my baby's ear, "She's gonna be a great villain one day. Maxima has big plans for her."

"No," I choke out in horror, "Molly, no."

She glares at me, her eyes glowing a little brighter, "You don't really get a say in the matter. You can come along, if you want. Maxima can give you both powers as well."


"Malice," she snarls.

"This isn't you." I don't know how Felix is keeping himself so composed. I'm a mess.

"What a shame," she sighs, "You both could've been great." She scoops Zara up in her arms. She vanishes into thin air. I scream in horror.

"Mummy?" Zara's confused voice calls. I run over to the window and see her and Molly outside now.

"Hi baby," Molly smiles, holding her tight, "We're gonna go on a little trip. Okay?"

"What about daddy?" I sob harder. I turn and sprint downstairs.

"What's going on Cal-" I ignore Ash, pushing past him. I'm desperate to get outside. I fling open the front door,my heart pounding. I turn the corner and stop short. Molly and Zara are trapped in a red forcefield. Luke stands to the side, his red energy glowing around his arms. Zara stares at him with wide eyes.

"You're getting better," Molly laughs coldly, "Have you been practicing without me?"

"This isn't you, Molly," Luke insists, clearly struggling to maintain it.


"Molly," he cuts her off, "Your name is Molly, not Malice. Honestly, I can't believe you let her get to you this easily. I thought you were better than that." That leaves her confused.

"What's he doing?" Michael breathes in my ear. We all stand back, watching them curiously. None of us dare say anything, terrified of distracting Luke. If he drops that forcefield, Molly and Zara will be gone. My heart races. I feel like I'm gonna be sick.

Molly hesitates at his words, her cold expression fading slightly, "Better?" She looks confused.

"The lies," Luke nods, "That's how she really gets you. For me, it was that you'd leave us again. That we'd be defenseless. I just wanted to protect my friends."

"Protect?" Molly repeats, blinking, "I want to protect." She almost looks like she's glitching.

"I know," he agrees, glancing over to us for a moment, then back to Molly, "Let Zara go." Molly sets her down. She instantly runs over to me, Luke's forcefield not holding her. I scoop her up into my arms, clutching her little body tightly against mine. She shakes as she cries, clinging to my tee shirt as I squeeze her tight.

"It's okay, Z," I whisper, nearly hysterical myself as she cries softly, "It's okay. I've got you."

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