Chapter 39

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Molly's POV

"You gotta learn to control it, Luke," I call as I watch my brother fail miserably at making his red energy disappear, "It's been a week since you got out of the hospital. Get this shit under control already. It's like they said in Frozen, conceal, don't fucking feel."

"Pretty sure that's not what they said," Luke rolls his eyes, "and I think I should know. I've seen that movie with Zara about fourteen billion times."

"So you should be an expert by now."

"Damn," Calum laughs, "You're mean when you're bossy."

"I'm just trying to help him learn how to use his powers," I defend, shrugging.

"I don't want to learn how to use them," Luke argues, rejoining the group, "I want to learn how to fucking control them, so I never have to see them again." Michael, Ashton, and Calum all send him a sympathetic glance, which Luke avoids.

"You and I both know that'll never work. You can avoid playing hero and using them, but they're still gonna show up."

"Fine," Luke concedes, "Teach me how to control them so I won't hurt anyone." I can hear the pain in his voice. "I'm tired of sleeping on the couch and having to avoid Sierra and you guys. The other day, Sierra tried to hug me, and I could tell how much I hurt her when I refused."

I sigh, biting my lip, "Until you learn to control them, holding your breath whenever someone touches you will prevent your powers from activating."

"Really? How'd you learn that?" Ashton inquires, frowning.

"You four hugged me a lot when I first came here after Drew died."

"How long can you hold your breath for?" Michael demands, clearly excited by this revelation.

"Forget that," Luke cute off, "How do I just control them, Molly? How did you get yours under control?" I hesitate. Luke notices, "Oh no. If you want to play teacher, teach me."

"I don't know," I admit. He stares at me in shock. Michael, Calum, and Ashton grow silent.

"You don't know?" Luke repeats, his voice eerily calm.

"You need to accept your powers and then you can control them."

"I need to accept my powers," he mocks, clearly unhappy with what I told him. I grit my teeth together as rage burns in my chest. I will my blue energy to activate. It obeys, flowing brightly up and down my arms. "What are you doing, Molly?"

"You wanna learn, you'll learn. Hit me," I command, putting my fists up.

"What? I'm not gonna fucking hit you Mo-" I punch him in the stomach. Luke coughs loudly and staggers backwards. "What the hell?"

"Hit me," I repeat.

"You're my little sister."

"I'm a superhero. You want to learn to control your powers, you're gonna learn how to use them and understand them. Now fucking hit me." Luke still hesitates. I lunge forward, grabbing his arm. I flip him over my shoulder. His back slams into the ground as he stares up at me in shock.

"Molly, you're gonna hurt him," Ashton protests nervously.

"He's got accelerated healing. He'll be fine."

"I'm not gonna hit you."

"Fine. You be defense. I'll be offense."

"Molly," Luke argues, still not moving to get up.

"Oh come on," I whine, smirking to myself as a plan forms in my mind, "I know you're still mad at me. Still mad that I faked my death and hid away for five years. I-" Luke grabs my ankle and yanks, making me tumble to the ground. Luke scrambles to his feet, his arms glowing brightly. I grin and get back up. "Told you so." I swing my fists, aiming for his arms as to not cause him that much pain. Luke dodges a few, jumping out of the way to try to avoid them. I throw a final punch, only for Luke to put up his arm to block himself. His red energy creates a sort of forcefield, preventing my fist from ever touching him. I smile and back off. Luke notices and cautiously lowers his arms. As he does, the red fades away.

"Remind me to never piss off Molly," Michael mutters to the other boys under his breath. Ashton and Calum nod in agreement.

"They went away!" Luke exclaims, his eyes bright as he stares at his arms. The red glow immediately comes back, making his face fall.

"You're getting there," I assure him, "You're just not in complete control yet. Now let's talk about telling mum and dad."

How do you guys want this book/ series to end? Happy or kind of sad/ melancholy?

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