Chapter 6

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Molly's POV

"You were busy after the ceremony," Felix jokes, kicking his shoes off by the door, "It wasn't even done five minutes, and you caught two bad guys. So who were they mugging? I never heard. My mom just said-"

"I kissed Calum," I break in, ripping off the band-aid.

Felix's eyes grow huge, "You did what? Molly, I swear to God! You can't do this shit! It's not fair to anyone, especially not Calum. How do you think he feels about all of this? I mean, Blaze is the first girl he's kissed since Molly died, and now she can never see him again. This is gonna really fuck him up."

"I can maybe see him again," I reply hopefully, "as Blaze." I know better deep down.

He sighs, "Molly, you can't. This isn't something you can just work around. You've been without them for five years. You need to let them move on. You need to let go."

Calum's POV

"Z! Where are you, monkey?" Ashton shouts as soon as he walks through my front door. I hear in slam closed.

"She's not here," I mumble, staring down into my drink, "Zara's at Michael and Crystal's house tonight."

"Cal? What's wrong?" Ash sits down beside me, a frown on his face.

"I kissed someone today," I answer, still kind of in shock, "For the first time since Molly died."

"Well that's good," he encourages, patting my back, "You can't just hide away from the world forever. You need to put yourself out ther-"

"I kissed Blaze." Ashton freezes, his jaw dropped in shock.

"You kissed Blaze? As in the superhero? As in the person putting herself in danger over and over again everyday?"

"I know."

"You have a type," Ashton declares, "Superheroes."

"I know."

"What about Zara, Calum? I mean, if you start dating Blaze, then Zara's always gonna be in danger, not to mention the rest of us. Especially since you don't know who she is under the mask. You'd actually be dating the superhero and not the woman underneath the mask. Do you know how insanely dangerous that is?"

"I get it, Ash. Really, I do. I've thought about all of this and more. But I can't stop thinking about it or her. I mean, it just felt right. Kissing Blaze felt like kissing Molly."

"Damn," he swears, clearly shocked by this new piece of information, "I- I don't know what to say, Calum. I think you or someone you love will get hurt if you date her, but if she feels like Molly, she could be a soulmate. I don't know Calum."

I take a shaky breath, "I just need to think about it."

He nods, "I'll leave and let you be alone. Call if you need anything though, Calum." I nod and watch as he leaves, closing the front door behind him. I sigh to myself and finish my drink before I get up, put my glass in the kitchen, lock the front door, then head upstairs to my bedroom, my head pounding.

"Hey," someone calls, nearly making me shit myself. I look up and see Blaze standing beside my window, which is now wide open. She has a small smile on her face. My throat is dry as I move over to her, my heart rate picking up again.

"Blaze, what are you-"

"I wanted to see you," she answers, her voice soft as her hands gently cup my cheeks. I lean forward and kiss her, my hands cupping her cheeks. My thumbs brush against the scratchy material of her red and black mask. I move my hands to the back of her head, trying to find the strings to untie her mask.

Blaze pulls her lips off of mine, "No. Leave it on." She's pulling off her jacket and kicking off her boots. I shrug and go back to kissing her, kicking off my own shoes.

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