Chapter 30

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Molly's POV

"Molly?" Sierra urges, gripping my arm, "What's wrong with Luke? Was I just hallucinating or-"

"Sierra," I start, trying to keep my voice level, "Don't panic, but there's a new supervillain on the loose. She can control people and give them powers. She might've gotten Luke."

Her eyes grow wide, "What? Is there any way to help him? Break her control over him?"

I bite my lip, "I don't know."

Luke's POV

"How are you feeling today, Luke?" Maxima whispers in my ear as I sit completely still, staring at the wall straight in front of me.

"Good," I respond, my voice monotoned.

"Perfect," she smiles, looking down at the red energy that's swirling around my arms, "Now Luke, do you understand why you've been given these powers?" I shake my head no. "So that you can protect your fianceè, bandmates, niece, and everyone else that you care about. Molly put you all in danger and then left for five years. You all were defenseless and unprotected. But with these powers, you have the ability to protect them all. You don't need Molly. She doesn't deserve your forgiveness. How does that sound?"


"I'm glad you agree, Luke. Now in return for this," she starts, digging her nails into my shoulders, "I need you to do something for me, okay?" I nod. "It's easy," Maxima promises, "All I need, is for you to kill Molly."

I hesitate, something not sounding right, "Kill Molly?"

"Kill her," Maxima agrees, "Just remember how she ran away and left you all for dead. I know you want revenge for all of the pain she's put you through. Once you've killed her for me, I'll know that I can trust you as an ally, and we can take over the city together." My anger starts to grow again, bubbling in my stomach. "Do you understand, Vengeance?"

"I understand."

Molly's POV

"Molly, I'm so scared," Sierra chokes out, her leg bouncing up and down, "What if we can't help Luke?"

"It's okay," I mutter nervously, "He probably isn't even under Maxima's control."

"You're right."

I nod, mostly talking to myself, "We'll just talk to him. See if he's normal or not. If he's mad at me, he's probably fine." She cracks a small smile. Before we can say anything else, the front door opens and then slams closed again.

"Sierra, I'm home. Do you wanna go out to eat or-" Luke walks into the living room and sees me sitting there by Sierra. His expression immediately hardens, his eyes unnaturally cold, "What the fuck is she doing here?"

"Luke," I say softly as I stand up, "I'm just here because I'm worried about you. I-"

"Back off!" He snaps, taking a step back from me. As he glares at me, red energy glows along his arms and hands. His eyes burn red, a deep hatred in them as he stares at me. I freeze in shock. He really has powers?

Oh Luke, I think, what did you do?

"Where did you get powers?" I demand, my anger reappearing.

"None of your business, Molly. Now leave me and Sierra alone. We don't need you. I can protect her and the rest of my friends without you." I roll my eyes at his comment.

"Luke," Sierra says softly, standing beside me, "let us help you. This isn't you, honey. You aren't a mean, angry person. Just tell us where you got your powers, and we can help. Please Lu."

"No!" He screams, panic in his voice, "No! No! No! They're mine! You're just jealous of me. You're jealous that you're not the only one with powers anymore. Well I'm not gonna put up with this bullshit anymore." Luke turns and runs out of the house, leaving us both standing there in shock.

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