Chapter 16

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Calum's POV

Molly kisses me, then climbs through my bedroom window, disappearing out of sight. I sigh contently as I flip over onto my back, staring up at the ceiling above me. That's when is fucking hits me. Molly is alive and has been the last five years.

What the fuck?


"Hey Cal," Michael calls, walking into my living room with Ashton at his side. I don't look up at them. "I was told to tell you that Zara will be back later tonight. Si, Crys, and KayKay took her out shopping and to get their nails done or something." Michael heads into my kitchen, Ashton sits on the couch to the left of me, staring at something on his phone.

"She's alive," I mumble, dazed. I think it's still just now really sinking in that Molly's actually alive. Ashton glances over at me, sees my expression, and rushes out of his own seat and over to me.

"Calum? Cal, what's wrong?" He demands, gripping my arm, "Who's alive?"

Michael walks into the family room, a frown on his face, "What happened to Calum?"

Ash shrugs as I sit there numbly, "I have no idea. He just mumbled something about someone being alive. Cal, talk to us, buddy."

I take a deep breath and look up at them, "Molly's alive." Both boys freeze, their bodies rigid.

"What?" Michael demands, his voice cracking, "That's- that's not possible. You said that she wasn't Blaze. She died. She died five years ago in that explosion. We- we went to her funeral. We watched her coffin get lowered into the ground." We all wince at the painful memories.

"What happened?" Ashton continues, seemingly a little more composed than Michael and I. "How'd you even find out?"

"I ran into Blaze again," I start.

"And they're working together?" Michael jumps in, "Psyche has been training Blaze. Holy shit!"

"No," I huff, just wanting to spit this out, "Blaze is Psyche. I mean, Molly faked hers/ Psyche's death to protect us and Zara. She became Blaze, so she could still be a superhero without giving away her whole plan and identity."

"Oh my fucking God," Ash sighs, staring at the ground, "You were right. I- how are we supposed to react? How do we act around her?" I shrug.

"What did you do Calum?"

I glance over at Michael, my cheeks burning, "Well, um, I started with fussing at her a little bit."


"I kissed her a little bit."

"You kissed?" Ashton's voice is an octave higher, "You kissed your formally believed to be dead fiancee after you knew it was her?"

"I might have also had sex with her."


"You don't understand!" I defend my own actions, "She's the love of my life, guys. When Molly died, or faked her death, or whatever, I died. If it weren't for Zara, I don't know if would've made it through that. God when did life get so fucked up?" I rest my face against my hands feeling like shit.


"Oh my God," I gasp out, "How am I gonna tell Zara? I mean, every time she's asked about her mum, I told her she's dead, but in a nicer way, you know? I'm gonna shatter her little world. What if she thinks every dead person comes back?"

"You shouldn't tell her," Michael tells me, his voice sad, "You also shouldn't tell Luke."


Ashton nods in agreement, "He can't know. He took Molly's death especially hard. He's in therapy still. If she just comes back, it'll break him all over again. Luke can't know."

"Why me?" I mutter weakly.

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