Chapter 46

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Molly's POV

"Promise me right now that you're not gonna be rash and just rush into things," Luke commands, gripping my arm tightly.

"I'm gonna do what I have to to get my daughter back," I reply, trying to pull away. Luke doesn't loosen his grip.

"I am serious Molly. I lost you for five years, I'm not gonna lose you again. Maxima isn't gonna be expecting you to bring me with you. She knows how protective you are over all of us. We have the advantage here. Distract her, and I'll find Zara and get her out. I can protect us two if you can beat Maxima."

I nod as we walk up to the back entrance of the building, "That's actually a good plan. Be safe." Luke nods and disappears inside around the corner, heading up a flight of semi-stable looking steps. I take a deep breath and push forward, moving deeper into the dusty building.

"I knew you'd eventually get here, but I must say, Psyche, I wasn't expecting you so soon," a cold voice calls from behind me. I whip around, trying to find the source of the voice. "I'm impressed."

Luke's POV

"Uncle Luke," Zara whimpers as I make my way into the dusty backroom where she's tied up.

"Hey Z," I say softly, working quickly to undo the knots holding her, "Are you okay?"

"I'm scared." She looks up at me with wide, fearful eyes.

"I know," I sigh, "It's gonna be okay though. Your mummy's gonna save us, okay?"

"Mummy's here?"

I nod, "She's downstairs. We're gonna go down now."

"And help her?"

I hesitate, "We're gonna get out of the building so mummy stops worrying. That's how we'll help." Zara nods as the rope drops to the ground. She looks up at me before raising her arms for me to pick her up. I start to move, then freeze. What if my powers activate and hurt her?

"Psyche!" Maxima lets out a bloodcurdling scream from somewhere below us. Zara winces, tears in her eyes.  She needs me now, I tell myself, get it together. I reach now and grab my niece, putting her on my hip before I tentatively start to move back the way I came from.

Molly's POV

"Weak!" Maxima cackles loudly as she pins my arms above my head, "I knew it! You are weak, Psyche. If I can even call you that anymore. You're hardly worthy of that name." I glance up and see Luke creeping down the stairs, Zara on his hip. He holds my daughter close, trying to shield her vision so she doesn't see me getting the shit kicked out of me.

"I would kill you," Maxima continues, "But that wouldn't be any fun. With your track record, you'd just pop right back up. You never seem to die, Molly, did you notice that?" She punches me in the face. I let out a small cry as my nose snaps. My eyes water, nearly blinding me completely. Something pricks into my arm. Before I can focus on that, Zara is crying out. My heart drops.

"Mummy!" Zara cries out, tears rushing down her cheeks. My stomach drops. Luke's eyes grow wide as he covers her mouth. Maxima's head whips over, disbelief flashes in her eyes.

"You brought him?" She trails off, staring at Luke in shock, "I have to say, Psyche, you're ballsy. I'll kill them instead."

"No!" I cry, forcing my body off of the floor. I leap up onto her back, my arms wrapping around her neck as I try to slow or stop her. Maxima laughs coolly before grabbing my arms and flipping me over her shoulder. My back slams against the pavement, my vision going completely black for a moment.

"Molly!" Luke screams, "Molly I-" I lift my head up, my eyes connecting with Luke's as a lump grows in my throat. I can't beat her. She's too strong. I'm too distracted.

"I'm sorry, Luke," I call out, forcing myself up to my knees, "I'm so sorry." His eyes grow wide as he realizes what I'm going to do.

He shakes his head no, "Don't you fucking dare." I ignore him, gasping for breath.

"Mummy!" Zara continues to scream, trying to pry herself out of Luke's grip as Maxima pauses, then turns back to me, pulling out a knife. "Mummy!" I squeeze my eyes close, ready to try to make the last five years disappear.

"I'll just kill you in front of th-" She gets cut off. My eyes open just in time to see Luke body check Maxima from behind, sending her tumbling across the room. She lands a few feet from me.

"What are yo-"

"Saving your ass and stopping you from fucking up again, Molly," he interrupts, pulling me to my feet. We turn and run. Luke grabs Zara as we sprint towards the exit. We get outside right as Maxima lets out a piercing scream.

"Give me your hand," I command. Luke doesn't question it, but puts his palm in mine. I close my eyes and picture  Calum's living room, willing us to teleport there.

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