Chapter 59

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Calum's POV

Molly immediately goes limp. She slumps back, laying flat on the ground.

"Mummy!" Zara screams, sobbing loudly as she throws herself in top of her. I cry harder at the sight. "Wake up!"


"You're squishing me, Zara," Molly groans out softly. I gasp loudly before throwing myself down as well. I pull both of my girls into a tight hug, my face pressed against Molly's neck as I cry. She holds me tightly.

"Jesus Molly!" Michael yells, laughing loudly, "I thought you died. God, give us a little warning next time."

Molly grins, "I blacked out, Michael. I was very clearly still breathing."

"How do you feel?" Felix demands, "Any sort of temptation to kill all of us and take Zara?"

"Well now that you mention it," she rolls her eyes, "I've got a massive headache." I pull her closer as I kiss her forehead, unable to stop smiling.

Molly's POV

"I missed you so much," Calum whispers to me, brushing his thumb along my arm as we lay in the dark.

"I missed you too, Cal. And I love you so much," I sigh softly, snuggling up closer to his chest, "I didn't think I was ever gonna get to tell you that again." My voice breaks.

"I knew you'd come back, Molly," Calum tells me, confidence in his voice, "You always come back."

"I'm like a boomerang," I joke he laughs, kissing me again. We lay in silence for a couple minutes. "I think I'm done, Cal."

"Done?" He sounds confused, "Done with what?"

"Being Psyche," I answer, brushing my fingers through his soft hair, "Or Blaze or any superhero."


I nod, then remember he can't see me in the dark, "I'm tired, Cal. Plus, I've lost so much time with you and Zara and Luke because of it. I don't want to keep running around. Not to mention, I always seem to somehow drag you guys into my shit, and it's only a matter of time before something happens. Also, I don't know how many more times I can die and still come back." I laugh softly, "What do you think, baby?"

"I think you're gonna miss it like crazy," he kisses my nose, "and you're gonna get bored out of your mind. How are you gonna spend your time now, Molly, if you aren't running around saving the world?"

"Hmm," I pause, "Maybe we could have another baby. Way back when, we always talked about having two or three. I haven't changed my mind. What about you?"

"Not in the slightest. But that's really it? No more Psyche?"

I hesitate, not quite willing to just give up my other half, "For a few years. I want to take time away from saving the world to just be with my family. Didn't you say that you thought Zara was starting to get powers?"

"I don't know," Calum shrugs, "It kinda seemed like it, but it's stopped. I don't really know what I'm looking for. Do you?"

"Nope," I smile as I kiss him, "But we've got plenty of time to figure it out."

The End

Wowwwww I suck at ending things, lol. Anyways, I apologize for this quick ending. It sucks, I know. But it was time. If you've read all four of the Zero books, you're the real MVP, and i really appreciate it. Thank you for all of the love and support. I love you.


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