Chapter 2 - I don't think I'm meant to understand myself

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Days and weeks pass in seconds; it feels like only yesterday when I got sorted in Slytherin. That was the only thing I needed to do to get my life settled. Life is supposed to feel very stable right now; I have my whole life planned out for me. As a pureblood, things have been fairly easy for me. I'm supposed to marry Draco Malfoy after Hogwarts, make beautiful blonde babies with him, and hope they end up in Slytherin as well while I stay at home and drink my husband's wine. Blaise thinks my life is fucking amazing, as he likes to put it very neatly. I'm supposed to lead a life that is supposed to make me feel safe and secure, yet I don't even feel mildly any of those. Is there something wrong with me? Am I broken?

"Parkinson, we should put the kid down; he's crying." Blaise ruined my mood like he always does by being a buzz kill.

Ugh, why does Blaise need to be so concerned about everything? I mean I know it's correct, but it's fun to fuck up with people. It feels nice to know that I hold some power; it feels fucking amazing to know that people are scared of me. They should be, I mean, I'm Pansy Parkinson; they should be scared of me.

"Parkinson we need to go to the great hall," Draco added.

"And why is that more important than this?" I snickered.

"Because you will cause your house to lose points when I tell the professor that you're bullying a kid, " a distant female voice said from behind me.

Snickering I turn around and see those annoying Hufflepuff robes again. I kind of hope she tells someone about the shit I do. I want to face consequences for my actions. I want to feel some sort of physical pain. Why the fuck do I want that? Am I some sort of sick masochist? Or a sadist maybe? No, that's fucked up; I need to get my head straight and make Draco fall in love with me. Yup, that's the path I'm supposed to follow.

"You need to put him down," she spoke again, this time not so softly, which made me huff.

"Merlin! You need to shut up."

"Dumbledore is going to announce the names very soon. Latecomers would not be appreciated," she reasoned.

"Well, none of us don't have a brother who's going to die from this shit,"
I know this wasn't true; nobody dies in this boring tournament, but I wanted to see her flinch.

"Wha- what do you mean by that? " she seemed clearly scared for her brother by my words that made me feel something weird in the pit of my stomach. Like as if I should not have said that.

"Guys, I don't think we-" Blaise tried to interrupt, and I instantly spoke over, ignoring him.

I lowered my wand and that Ravenclaw kid fell straight on the floor. It felt nice, seeing someone else feel hurt; it made me forget about my internal turmoil for once.

"We all know the tournament gets pretty tough, and I'm sure that Hufflepuff golden brother of yours would not be able to defeat Victor Krum."
I continued knowing that was not the truth. If anyone could win this stupid tournament, it's Cedric Diggory. I didn't want to give her that satisfaction; especially after knowing that my words have such a great impact on her.

"Um, that's not tru-"

"What are you doing here instead of attending the ceremony in the Great Hall?"

My spiteful words and her scared voice were cut off. Is it weird I wanted her to finish? I mean her voice sounds soothing. Is it weird that I'm kind of mad that she was interrupted?

"Answer me, what are you two are doing here?" The professor from behind us questioned again, raising her voice.

Two? It took me a second to figure out that Blaise and Draco had left. That was a shitty thing to do. I was prepared for whatever punishment I was going to get. Points off Slytherin? Yup been there. Clean the classrooms without magic? Done that too.

"Detention for a week," the professor ordered.

I complied and started following the professor to a classroom where I could get a lecture and details about my detention.
I expected Diggory's sister to at least protest or defend herself, but she nodded and accepted the punishment that wasn't even meant to be hers? Why would she not put me under the bus and save her ass? What the fuck?

AN- okay wow I didn't expect to be done with the chapter this early.I feel like I have a rough idea about where I want the story to lead but it's a lot of loose strings and it will probably take some time to tie them up together but I know where I'm gonna take this story so that's a good thing I guess.
With love,

IN ANOTHER LIFE (Pansy Parkinson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now