Chapter 48 - No one can hurt you now

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The next set of events happened so swiftly and yet still so slowly.

Y/N aimed her wand at the figure behind me, her spell was quickly deflected back and when I turned back Crabbe had his wand pointed at her.

I opened my mouth to stop him, but -

“Pansy, I got you,” He told me, his gaze still fixed on her, my Y/N, as he finally fired his next curse. The killing curse. “Avada Kedavra!”

Swiftly, I aimed a disarming spell towards him. But it was too late. He had cast the curse and I heard somebody falling to the ground.

Tears crinkled at the corner of my eyes as the image formed in my head - of the sight that awaited me. I closed my eyes, stuck on the spot. I didn't have it in me to turn. I didn't. She was alright. It was just a nightmare and I would wake up any second now. I hoped this was just a bad dream, so I repeated it to myself again and again. My breath hitched when I heard a distinguished cry of grief. It was Cho.


To my right, a wall in the distance fell off. I didn't hear it falling, just heard the sound of people in vain from the crash and a loud yell of one of the Weasley twins.


To my left, another wizard screamed the death spell towards a witch. She fell to the ground instantly. A scream, I heard another scream. Mr. Lupin was running towards the fallen witch. The perpetrator took the opportunity, casting the same curse towards Remus Lupin that killed his wife. And he fell to the ground as well.


My ears were ringing, I heard all these sounds, but not the one I was yearning for. Another wizard fell to the ground in front of me, but it was still eerily quiet behind me. I couldn't hear her. Just the sounds of anguish and pain emitted by Cho and Alex.

Slowly, I turned, ignoring the dread that filled my chest. My eyes were still closed. Why wasn't I waking up? Why did this nightmare feel so real?


When I opened my eyes, wishing to wake up in my bed while her body was laced with mine, where it became hard to distinguish where I ended and she began— anything except the image that was burned in my head.

Y/N was collapsed on the ground in Cho's arms while her friends were weeping for her.

“No,” I yelled, refusing to believe my eyes. This wasn't happening.

I rushed towards her, I couldn't hear anything. My ears were still buzzing from the impact of the wall that crumbled. I perched beside Cho.

“Y/N,” I said her name with desperation, my voice cracking. Lowering myself to the ground, I adjusted her body in a way that she was cradled against my chest and her head was propped on my elbow.

“Hey, hey, hold on, pretty girl,” I pleaded, tears threatening to break out, but I wasn't going to let them. This wasn't happening. She would be fine and we would get our happily ever after. “Cho, get someone!”

Y/N's eyes were barely open and glassy as she tried to focus on me. She coughed, choking profusely as blood splattered out of her mouth.

“Alex, do something,” I shouted, my vision blurry, but I could still feel her breathing in my arms. I sat up straighter, making Y/N rest her head on my shoulder, and she hissed in pain.

“I'm sorry,” I apologized instantaneously. I moved my palm towards her face, cleaning the blood and brushing off sweat from her forehead.  “I'm so sorry. You're going to be okay”

“Do something!” I shouted at Cho and Alex, who were just standing and crying. Why weren't they doing something? Merlin, stop crying and save her. “Please.”

“Please, you can't die," I insisted to her, praying to Merlin, and to all the gods that existed before us and will exist after us.

"Please, you can't,” I chanted multiple times as I hugged her body closer to me, engulfing both of us in bubble. I wanted to protect her — us from everything.

“You don't get that,” I choked on a sob that was warning to break out of my throat. “I can't do this without you… I can't… I need you. Please.”

My screams for help came to a halt the moment she gently put her palm on my face, making me look at her. She whispered my name, I didn't hear it, but I saw her lips moving — as though she whispered it more to herself than to me. She said something and smiled.

There was something so raw in her eyes that I couldn't look away. I was so focused on the affection swirling in her eyes for me that I did not think to look towards her mouth.

When I did look at her mouth to make out her words to me, it was too late. I shook her body in a desperate effort to insert some consciousness back into her and she inhaled softly, blearily blinking her eyes.

“Hey, Y/N, baby, you'll be okay,” I shook her again gently, testing my palm on her cheek in an attempt to keep her breathing. She weakly lifted one of her hands to place it on mine that was resting on her face.

I love you,” She whispered, her lips arching up in a small smile.

That did it for me. The tears that were on the verge of breaking from my eyes did, and a sob choked out from my throat. And it hurt so much that I couldn't breathe. I didn’t want any of this. All I ever wanted was her. I wanted a life with her. I wanted her to be my girlfriend, my wife. She was already my everything. How was I supposed to live when the only person I ever loved was dying?

I bent down to her, my tears dripping down her cheeks as she took her final breath.

“No, no, please,” I begged while bringing her body closer to my chest. “I love you. I love you so much. Please come back.”

The body that once carried so much spark, joy and life felt hollow. Everything around me felt empty. It was all vacant.

And when she took her last breath — when a tear slipped down her cheek — when her smile didn't falter.

In that moment, I died.

  A/N - Aw  they finally said ily. Please this is so cruel, I'm sorry. 
With love,

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