Chapter 38 - I can see the end as it begins

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"Here, have some beans. It's good for you," Mom passed me the tray and I begrudgingly added some beans to my bowl.

"Your mother and I, we've started going to a grief group in the Muggle World," Dad said from beside mom, clearly avoiding my gaze. "And I wanted to apologize for the way I've treated you in the past."

"It's okay dad, you were hurting," I looked at mom before speaking, "We all were."

Dad chortled, "Look at us. The entirety of our family is going to therapy and finally talking about their issues. Your brother would have been proud of us. I haven't been very supportive of you either, and I realize now that how close-minded I was. I wish I had listened to Cedric and you sooner."

I smiled and didn't say anything as he continued, "All my life, I thought I was doing what was best for my family. Furthermore, I didn't understand that not vocalizing my love was bad. My girls, you're my only family left," He raised his hands, palms up, across the dining table. Mom placed her hand in his, and I looked at him cautiously before situating my hand in his. He engulfed our hold and a tear escaped his eyes, "I love you both so much. I will try to be a better husband and father."

Our emotional reconciliation was brought to a halt when our house's bell rang. Dad rushed towards the door to open it and was expectantly met with Cho.

"I'm sorry I'm late," Cho apologized while striding in and taking a seat beside me. " What did I miss?"

"Oh, just about everything, "I joked, and mom and dad chuckled.

Cho looked at all is on us weird, "Well, okay."

The silence was broken by my mom when she asked Cho, "Do you think Y/N should go to Hogwarts?"

And there it was. My parents weren't pleased with my decision to return to Hogwarts for my final year. I know they were worried about me, but I needed to go back.

I looked at mom expectantly, but dad intervened, "The ministers feel it would be better not to send their kids to Hogwarts since it's not safe."

"Yeah, my mom doesn't support children going back to school," Cho added, and I narrowed my eyes at her. She was supposed to take my side.

I was about to say something, but mom spoke again, "Sweetheart, it's not safe."

"I can't just leave my education in the final year," I countered. Okay, I hated school, but I still needed that basic amount of education so that I could eventually earn money as an adult.

"Dad," I pleaded, my voice soft as a fur. A small pout formed on my face. As the youngest child and now the only child too, the pout always worked.

"You're really going to do that, huh?" He inquired, pointing towards the manipulation card I was pulling out. I feigned confusion, and everyone at the table shook their heads at my antics. "Do you really want to go?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed excitedly.

Dad sighed and said, "And we can't convince you otherwise?"


"Then okay," Dad didn't finish, and I cut him off with my shriek of excitement. "But you have to write to us every day. And no getting involved with anyone, especially that Harry Potter. Just go to your class and come back to the dorm. Stay with Alex, I know their parents from the ministry. They are a good kid."

I nodded my head eagerly and rolled my eyes when he asked me to swear on his life.

Once we were done with dinner, Cho and I retired to my room.

"Oh, I like this color. Take this with you," Cho threw a shirt in my face as I was attempting to pack my things for school.

"Take this too." She threw another piece of clothing towards me and I sighed exasperatedly.

"I can't take everything," I said, but she ignored me and started digging through my clothes in the cupboard.

"Okay, have you packed dental dams?"

Heat glazed over my eyes in embarrassment as I looked over at the door to check if it was locked. "I don't need them."

Cho huffed, "Yeah, sure you don't."

"Merlin, stop that. I don't. I'm not having sex."

Cho threw another piece of clothing at me while I groaned in annoyance. "You also said you weren't going to forgive Pansy, but here you are. I'm just saying; it's better to be safe than sorry. Besides, you are an adult, Y/N. You should know better than to not realize the importance of contraceptives."

"Pansy is probably safe," I guessed.

She raised her hands in faux defeat. "Well, don't come to me when you catch something. You'll be surprised how many students go to Professor McGonagall to undo their STDs."

"Merlin, fine," I agreed, keeping my voice low. I did not want my parents to hear this conversation. "I'll buy them tomorrow."

"Are you going to join the ministry now?" I asked, hopefully changing the topic.

"I think I'm going to move to the Muggle world," She pondered and smiled when she found Cedric's sweatshirt in my cupboard. Instead of throwing this one, she gently placed it in my trunk and tucked it nicely.

"Alex and I have decided to move there," She continued, "I'm going to get settled and once they are done with Hogwarts, they will join me."

"That sounds quite nice."

"You should too. You know, you and Pansy," She suggested, "The Wizarding World would never accept you. Everyone still uses the wrong pronouns for Alex. Alex says it doesn't bother them, but I know it does. This world is not meant for people like us. The Muggle World is more accepting."

Merlin, this is not how I imagined breaking it down to her. "Well, I don't think there is anything left between Pansy and me. We're done for real this time."

That seemed to have taken her by surprise. "But you're still going back for her, aren't you?"

Not being able to lie to my best friend and myself anymore, I exhaled and said, "Yeah, I am."

⁕⁕⁕End of Year 6⁕⁕⁕

A/N - I know the dad was kind of a dick in the beginning of the story, but if I can't fix my issues with my dad at least I can fix Y/N's.

Practice safe sex.
With love,

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