Chapter 13 - It's getting hard to navigate

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"Perhaps it's a distraction instead of a clue? What do you think y/n?"


All eyes on the table turned to me, each carrying its own bewilderment. Wayne was the one that broke the silence. "Are you okay? Do you wish to be excused?"

The formality in his tone made me chuckle internally. To an outsider, our group of five is a weird circle of people whom you'll least expect to hang out together. Ced and Wayne in the sixth year, Cho in the fifth year, and me and Meg in the fourth year. Now that I think about it, I'm third-wheeling or fifth-wheeling in every sense considering Meg and Wayne are dating and so are Cho and Ced.

If you ponder about it, our hangouts are me just crashing their double date. Cho and Wayne are not my closest companions, but they are my friends, even Cho. I'm somewhat certain they wouldn't choose to hang out with me if I weren't best friends with their partners. It's not like I would prefer their company if they weren't dating my best friends, so the feelings are very mutual.

Meg loves to bring up my singleness in every conversation and Ced always cuts her off saying that he doesn't want me to date. He does not want to sit through another round of the talk that our parents would give me, or worse make him explain to me about the birds and the bees.

I know he just isn't ready to forfeit the first spot in my life. Who is going to tell that insecure brother of mine that he would never lose that spot? I know I won't or else he would get something else to tease me about. I could never give up his place to someone, even if I want to. It's weird because the people I know rarely have a healthy relationship with their siblings. I gauge the lack of stability with our parents made up for our relationship being so in sync.

Yeah, sure let's just say that he doesn't want to give me the talk.

My bizarre remembering of the talk was interrupted when Ced slightly nudged my shoulder with his. "Yeah, I am, I'm just a little tired. I think I'm gonna head down to the library for a while."


I obviously did not go to the library, because I was in pursuit of a certain short-haired girl. I did not want my friends to know that I was heading to the lion's den or, the snake's burrow to be exact. It's not like they wouldn't understand, Ced would, but I would not cognize how to explicate. To think rationally was a smart thing to do after our last encounter, but my mind and legs just weren't smart.

When I reached the Slytherin common room, I whispered the password, I might've heard Pansy say it a while back when we got back from our detention. I'm just glad that the word hasn't changed since. To my relief, the common room was empty when I entered because honestly, I have no clue what I would have done if anyone saw me. I maneuvered to the girl's dorm, and it did not take me long to figure out which one is hers. Okay, I might've used magic to figure it out, but come on I'm a witch, what do you expect?

Her room was empty, and I did not know what I would have done if she were here. Why am I even here? Fuck, I genuinely did not think this through. All she has ever done is made my life miserable and I just walked into her room without a plan or even a thought. Really could've used the smart Diggory gene now, dad. I need to get out of here before somebody sees me. Fuck, Ced can't know I broke into the Slytherin common room.

Just when I was about to leave after collecting my train of thought, the door flung open and an unaware Pansy entered the room. She seemed calm until her eyes landed on me and oh boy, I really should have thought this through.

Before I could even explain myself, she closed the doorway behind her and furiously walked towards me." What the fuck are you doing here?" she whispered angrily.

"I-," Just when I was about to explain there were three urgent knocks on the door and her hand flung to my mouth making me squeal, but also muffling my voice.

"Pansy, why is the door locked? We have a class in 5 minutes and Blaise would kill us if we're late again."

"Coming Drakey poo, um just give me a second," She said trying to sound as calm as she could.

Drakey poo?

"Muffliato," she whispered, pointing her wand towards the door and removing her hand from my mouth. As soon as she formed some distance between us, she looked pissed, royally pissed. "Merlin, you have some balls showing up in my room like this,"

"Let me jus-"

"No, shut up I don't want to listen. Frankly, I don't have the time for this. I am going to leave for my lesson and I better not find you here once I'm back. Oh, all the best getting out of the common room flushed with Slytherin." she hissed before taking off to leave me there.

Fuck, I really should have thought this through.

Without thinking, I held her wrist urgently, making her stop in her tracks. Her eyebrows furrowed together examining my hand on her wrist, and then my face.

"You can't leave me here alone, please Ced would- please, don't leave me here," I pleaded, knowing that there was no way she would help me.

I expected her to jerk her hand out of my grasp and leave me, but she just exhaled loudly, attempting to calm herself down. "Get rid of your robes," she demanded.

" Excuse me?"

"Merlin, you want to go out of the Slytherin dorm room wearing Hufflepuff robes? " She inquired and I relaxed a bit.

We had a very clear plan, I was going to follow her, and she would guide me out of the sight of serpents. As easy as that plan sounded, it wasn't. Now that their lesson was over the dorm and the common room was not empty anymore. As much as I wish to live without the spotlight we were certain that almost everyone would recognize Diggory's sister.

"They'll know it's me," I stated, removing my robes to put on the spare Slytherin ones she had. She sighed loudly, ignoring my fear, and held her hand out for me to take it. I was still not very pleased with the plan we made, but I had nothing else to offer, so hesitatingly I took her hand.

Frowning, she gazed at our intertwined hands, her thumb gently rubbing circles over my knuckles in a comforting manner before reassuring me. " You won't get in trouble, I'll get you out of here." She faced me again after a moment, her eyes were soft, so different from what it was in the beginning. This is what I was talking about, she could be nice sometimes under all this hard, rude exterior; or maybe she just doesn't want to be seen hanging out with a Hufflepuff. Yeah, it's probably the latter.

Without further panic, I followed her towards the door with our fingers entwined.

A/N- We are so obsessed with Pansy, it's embarrassing. Also, can these bitches stop being so complicated and fall in love already? Not me pretending that I did not plan this stuff.

I'm so attached to Ced that it makes me wanna cry.

Thank you so much for 3k reads ahh !!
With love,

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