Chapter 44 - She

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“The Carrows are harassing muggle-borns,” Alex told me. And I inhaled sharply. It was one thing to bully, but they were abusing their power, hurting muggle-borns by using torture curses. "They made 7th years Ravenclaw use a crucio spell on their muggle-born classmate."

“I'm going to skip their class,” Alex decided, “They'll report to my parents. I don't care, we're fucking adults.”

“Skipping class is not the solution,” I stated like it was the most obvious thing. “We need to do something.”

Alex and I ended up with a plan. When it would be our turn to use the crucio spell on the muggle-borns, we would just pretend to do it. We would never use curses on our schoolmates, at least not under a clean conscience. So, we would just act.

And that was precisely what I did. I told the witch I was assigned to cast the curse on to act as if I were hurting them. And it worked well for a while, everyone bought the screams emitted by the girl I was supposedly torturing, until Alecto Carrow came and stood behind me.

“You think you're smarter than me?” She taunted.

Duh, yes.

“No, professor,” I lied.

She looked at the witch who had stopped her faux shouts and instructed me. “Cast the spell in front of me.”

Fuck. I couldn't do that. I saw a shiver run down the girl's spine and I think my body reacted the same way because I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.

Furthermore, I wasn't going to hurt the innocent witch. The only person in this room, I would willingly hurt was Alecto Carrow. I shook my head and firmly replied, “No.”

She cackled an ugly laugh. I used to think that laughs cannot be ugly. My brother taught me that it was an expression of joy, and how could delight be anything but beautiful? But now I realized, that finding pleasure in others' misery was ugly. And anybody who relished in it was automatically an ugly person.

“Would you like to take the place of your beloved mud blood classmate, Miss Diggory?”

I flinched at her words and use of a slur, and so did all of my classmates. I didn't know where all this confidence was coming from because deep inside I was scared, but I still stood up taller, my chin held high as I hoped my eyes were glaring daggers at her.

“Would you like to take the place of your beloved student, professor?” I spat, venom laced voice, and almost everyone in the class gasped.

“Professor Carrow,” A familiar voice broke the tense silence. I did not look at the person standing at the doorway. I refused to be the first one to break off our stare. Likewise, I would not submit to a vile woman like her.

“Professor Carrow,” The voice grew imperative as both of us refused to break out gaze. And then finally, she moved her glare towards the person standing at the threshold of the classroom. Pansy.

“Headmaster Snape asked for Miss Diggory in his office,” Pansy spoke with urgency. “Now.”

The second my feet were outside the class, Pansy grabbed my hand and gently tugged me to move towards the empty hallway.

Without saying a word, I followed her, and we came to a halt in an abandoned classroom.

“What were you thinking?" Pansy scolded when we were inside, pushing the door shut with her foot. “Do you really have a death wish or something?”

“She was torturing students.”

“I do not care,” She countered, voice louder than before, waving her hand around in an exaggerated manner. She inhaled sharply before moving towards me.

IN ANOTHER LIFE (Pansy Parkinson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now