Thank You

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Hey! I hope you're all doing alright!

I just want to say thank you for reading. It took me 9 months to write this. Oh, haha, this fic is like my baby. (But I don't like kids -)

Anyway, what made me start this fic was my obsession with Pansy ofc and just the lack of wlw fics on this app.

I grew up reading those cliché one direction fics and I could never relate with Y/N. Because I'm not that dumb miss gurl. But more importantly, it was never inclusive. First of all, I don't have skin as pale as snow, and when I'm shy, my cheeks don't go pink. They literally can't - I'm brown.

Moreover, I'm never wearing a crop top to school, and secondly, if Zayn asks me to skip school - I'mma say no. I'm built different; I barely pass my classes, and you want me to skip them? Hell, no.

And the wlw fics are always written by some straight girl's imagination or a dude fetishizing our experience that it never stuck with me.

So, basically, I'm saying that I wrote this fic for me lol.

Jokes apart, I did write this for a 15 yo me who dated guys cause my friends told me I'm supposed to date them. The me that was closeted and still is not out completely.

And this is for you.

The you that is out and proud. The you that isn't out because that's okay too. The you that deserves everything in this world.

So, this is to us because we deserve great things. Cheers to the gorgeous, breathtaking and murderous us.


With love,

With love, Pri

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