Chapter 50 - In this life

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A/N — I thought it was obvious in the previous chapter that Ced lied. Let's talk about resurrection in the series — Lily and Dumbledore were somewhat able to revive Harry because they were powerful. Ced was able to send back Y/N because he was a powerful wizard as well (and Ofc he loved her). And that is why he knew Y/N would not be able to bring him back, because we've already established that she's not a strong witch. Hence, that's why he lied — the living shouldn't know too much of this place.

As Cedric said, he already knew everything, that means he knew that it would hurt her and Ced — well, Ced would do anything to make her happy.

Moving on, Ced finally boarded the train. He didn't think it was necessary to look after Y/N now because she had found someone who loved her just as much as he did — Pansy.

And I realize how sad this is. So let's just assume that he couldn't come back because it had been too long since his death.


Pansy's POV

I clutched the breathless body tightly in an attempt to feel anything living, but all I was met with was — Nothingness. She wasn't breathing or moving. Of course, she wasn't. She was dead, but I still held on to her — hoping that this was a terrible dream and any minute I would wake up and find her sleeping beside me — our legs tangled, and she would tell me that we were okay. And I would believe her and hold her until sleep took over my body once again.

I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and someone called out my name. I felt so much — so much pain and anguish — so much hurt and then I felt nothing. Just numbness and a searing pain at the same time. I didn't think it was possible to feel contrasting emotions at the same time, but again, I was wrong.

“Pansy,” The same voice called for me, louder than before. “You need to let her go, Pansy.” I shook my head no, enveloping her firmer in my arms. No, I wouldn't let her go. I can't. I can't do this. No, not without her.

I didn't know if the war was still going on or who won. I just knew that I lost. Not only that, but I lost everything that meant to me.

Likewise, I clung onto her empty body as I sobbed ferociously.

“This wasn't supposed to happen,” I cried, bringing her face closer to mine. I didn't feel her. I didn't feel the warmth she carried. All I felt was silence, and tears pooled in my eyes again. “Please, come back.”

I didn't reckon how long I held her. I heard faint noises in the background of her friends and mine, calling me to let her go, but I refused. No, I wasn't letting her go. Not now. Not ever.

“Pans,” It was Draco's hand on my shoulder this time. “Hey, you need to —"

“No,” I snapped, keeping her close to me. “You sent Crabbe here, didn't you? You fucking killed her. None of this matters. Y/N is dead and it's your fault! I'll —"

Before I could say something to Draco that I would regret in the future, Y/N jerked in my arms, inhaling sharply, gasping for the air that her lungs were deprived of in the past few minutes.

What? Was I dreaming? Was all of this a nightmare? Was I dead too?

“Pansy,” She whispered. And Merlin, it sounded so good to hear her voice — her sweet, sweet voice. She placed a warm hand on my cheek, brushing off the wetness there with her thumb. I wrapped my hands around her wrist, planting a kiss inside her palm, her fingers, and also on her wrist to feel her pulse. She was alive.

Even if this was a dream, I was far too deep in the desire to care now.

After feeling her pulse multiple times, when I was certain this wasn't a dream. I cupped her face in my palms and pressed a kiss on her mouth, eyes, cheeks, nose — anywhere and everywhere I could touch herhold herfeel her. I nuzzled my face in her neck and I felt it, her pulse was normal.

I trailed kisses upwards from her neck until I reached her lips, gently I took a hold of her chin as I kissed her reverently.

“Hey, wait a second,” She placed her hand on my chest, gently pulling me away as amusement swirled in her eyes and she teasingly said. “You didn't say it back.”

I was confused. And it must've been clear on my face because she feigned a scoff as she continued. “I love you. You didn't say it back.”

“Merlin,” I sighed in relief, finally understanding what she meant. I cupped her face in my palms again, as I hoped that the intensity of my words was clear in my eyes. “I love you, Y/N. I love you so much. I… “

It was her turn to kiss me now, and that she did. She didn't let me finish and pulled me into her embrace. It took me a moment to comprehend what was happening and when I did, I reciprocated the kiss hard. She wrapped her hands around my neck, whilst mine went towards her hair to bring her near to me. We were so close that I could literally feel her heart as if it were mine. If you look at it — in some sense, it was mine. And just like that, it hit me, all I wanted was her and a life with her.

“I'm tired, “I whispered, breaking our kiss and she frowned, scowling at the loss of my lips on hers.

She looked at me like she was waiting for me to finish and kiss me again. As much as I wanted to do just that, I also needed to say aloud what I was thinking. “I'm tired of imagining how things could be different if we were….fuck, I'm tired of talking about this alternative timeline or in another life where we could be together. I want this — I want you in this life. I don't care what my parents think, or anyone else for that matter. If the wizarding world can't accept us for us, then we will leave this shithole.”

“Fuck in another life.” I concluded, “I love you. In this life.

“In this life,” she agreed, prompting her mouth to connect with mine again and I gladly obliged, holding her in a way that she was straddled on my lap as I held and kissed the love of my life.

A/N - Um, can y'all love me now please?

 Also, I made a playlist - it is on the conversation page or whatever that thing is called. And I'm obviously open to song suggestions so go ahead and drop some.

5 chapters to go!! 
With love,

IN ANOTHER LIFE (Pansy Parkinson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now