Chapter 5 - Maybe in time

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I did not expect myself to state anything to her but for some reason, I had to know why she said what she mentioned. No matter how much I attempted to look over it, it scared me that I could lose my best friend, my brother, and I was willing to do anything for it to not occur despite the consequences. I did not voice this concern of mine with Ced because he would probably joke about it and would not shut about it ever. What I did not expect the most was Parkinson apologizing. I presumed she was going to say something mean to me and I would, at last, generate a reason to cease being nice to her, but I was stuck in that vicious cycle once more. I was generally nice with people who were pleasant to me. Why was I even making effort with her when she isn't even nice to me? So when she did apologize, I nodded, partly because it was surprising but mostly because I didn't want to press her.

We were seated on two different desks, opposite each other when professor Snape came back. He looked in the vicinity of the room and seemed pleased, he nodded and said, "Very well, you can collect your wands from me and head to your respective dorms. " Nodding we took our wands from his hand and began heading out. Before we could leave, he spoke once more.

" Ms. Parkinson, would you mind having a word with me? "

She halted in her tracks and worked her way back to the classroom. All of us knew that professor Snape is partial towards house Slytherin, he is probably telling her to be careful and not get in trouble, so their house doesn't lose points. Instead of rushing towards my dorm, I stayed, hoping to have a conversation with Parkinson.

After a few minutes when Parkinson came out of the classroom, she didn't notice me and began proceeding towards her dorm.

"Hey, Parkinson" I called her from the back. This time she didn't refuse to acknowledge me instead she inhibited in her trail. She furrowed her brows in confusion before putting that emotion into words.

"What are you still doing here, why aren't you in your dorm? She asked.

"Oh if you're wondering what Sna-"

"I am not wondering what professor Snape said," I spoke before she could complete her sentence, I truly didn't care about professor Snape at this instant. She quirked her eyebrow, asking me to clear her dilemma which I answered.

"Dinner must be over by now and we, Hufflepuff's do have our way with the kitchens," I huffed. "So I was wondering whether you want to get some leftover dinner?" Looking around us, she nodded. Did she look flustered, as if taking my assistant would make her inferior? What was she feeling embarrassed about? Brushing aside these thoughts I made my way to the kitchen, and she started following me.

When we reached the kitchen I convinced Insley, one of the house-elves to provide us some leftover dinner, and we took the food under one of the staircases to avoid getting caught by professor Flinch or house prefects considering one of them is my brother, and he would not be pleased to take some points off our house. Plus, I forgot to tell him about the detention and I really don't want to ruin his scholarly reputation. Okay, I might have purposely skipped out the part where I get detention with a Slytherin. Let's just say that Ced would not be pleased to find out this bit.

Making space I put the food on the floor in front of me and the green-eyed girl took a seat beside me. I was genuinely surprised by the way she was being nice to me, she must be way too fatigued to be rude right now.

I managed to get us some steak and Insley agreed to give us dinner for a week until our detention is finished.

"So, my best friend thinks I should leave divination because it's a hoax. You have divination too, no? What do you think about it? " I know it was abrupt of me to ask an unrelated question, but silence makes me super uncomfortable, especially when I'm not alone. Parkinson raised her eyebrows because of my random question, and I was so sure she was going to say something mean to me but clearing her throat she proceeded to answer my inquiry.

I think your best friend is right, "just when I was convinced that she is done with her words and was about to speak again she continued. "The subject basically means that our future isn't in our hands and that is kind of true. Don't you think? "She questioned, and I was taken aback by her deep pondering.

"I think our future is in our hands, I like to think that it is. If it were not under our control that would mean nothing matters, not our actions, not our words, not the bond we make with people."

"Does it matter, though? I think some things are written in our destiny and no matter how much we want to change it, we can't. It's like our lives aren't even ours. I agree that some bonds and actions matter but at the end of the day it does not impact our destiny, the main thing. The moments that are under our control are merely some sort of raindrops or snowfall, the side things falling from the sky. They don't make sense or even matter because the main thing is already set in stone. They are just around us one moment and are gone in the next." she counteracted my previous statement.

"They might not make sense when it's raining or snowing, but it will hit the ground, connecting one drop to another. Eventually, it will become a pool of water or snow around us. It won't be remembered as the drop that it once was when it hit the ground, you won't be able to differentiate the drop from the water, but it will be there, connected to other drops. Even if the wind takes a drop away from the rest, but it will join. So the small moments might not make sense right now but eventually, they will connect, making the main picture, bigger and beautiful from the mere moment it once was." I concluded.

She smiled lightly and was about to say something before Insley interrupted, asking us to hand over the plates, so she could be done with her chores. We handed our empty plates to her and left for our respective dorms. Parkinson was the first one to leave from under the staircase and I followed.

"I can walk you over to your dorm," I suggested seeing her furrow her brow at me, I continued, "I mean, you know, Slytherin common room is in the way of Hufflepuff's." I clarified, clearing my throat.

She stopped in her path, an invitation. I accepted it jogging up to her and started walking with her, beside me now.

We didn't talk about anything, and it didn't make me feel awkward. She had some sort of weird safeness around her. We came to a halt once we reached Slytherin's common room. " I will see you tomorrow, Diggory." Pansy smiled and waved a hand at me before heading inside her common room.

I nodded, smiling, and bit my lower lip the moment she left. The smile converting into a grin the moment I started walking towards my dorm.

A/N - OMG we (y/n) are so whipped ahahaha.Did we just call her Pansy instead of Parkinson? Also, Pansy miss gurl does not even realize that she is not being a bitch for once.
With love,

IN ANOTHER LIFE (Pansy Parkinson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now