Chapter 46 - I don't ever wanna leave

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Once we settled in the bathtub, her back against my chest. I pulled her closer to me, peppering kisses and words of praise in her hair.

I reached for the shower gel bottle and squirted some on my hands. Furthermore, I rubbed the soap around her body with utmost care. Paying extra attention to her sore areas, I rubbed and massaged her breasts as she lightly moaned and rested her head on my shoulder.

“You keep making those sounds, sweet girl, and I'd have to take you for another round,” I teased in her ear. Gently biting her earlobe as she chuckled.

“I don't think I can go another round anytime soon, baby,” She sighed as my hands worked around her stomach.

“I can wait, honey,” I promised, kissing her cheek, and she hummed when I went back to the task at hand.

After I cleaned both of us, I wrapped her around a bathrobe before doing the same to myself. I gently took her hand in mine before leading us to the comfort of my bed.

Both of us didn't say a word. She settled her head on my chest, legs tangled together, and my arms wrapped around her, igniting her body with warmth.

I admired her as she took even breaths, eyes closed — she looked so peaceful. Similar to the way I felt with her. Merlin, I wished I could keep her safe in my arms forever.

“You know, watching people while they sleep is kinda creepy,” she said, her voice gruff from exhaustion, and I felt heat rushing through my body. It took a second for my brain to register her words and when it did, I moved my gaze away from her.

“You are beautiful,” I replied, honestly. I could feel her rumbling as she rubbed her daze-filled eyes.

She gently lifted her palm to place it on my face as she muttered, “You are beautiful.” Gently, I wrapped my hand around her wrist, craning my neck, so I could plant a kiss on the inside of her palm.

I engulfed her tight against my body, inhaling sharply as I said my next words. “ Draco and Blaise are going stay in the room of requirements during the war.”

She frowned, opening her mouth to object at my implication, but I interrupted instantly. “I know you want to fight with Cho, Alex and your family, and I understand that. But I want you to be safe. I don't want anything — I just want you to be safe. And I can't protect you if you aren't there.”

She shuffled in bed, getting out of my grasp, and I internally winced at her rejection of my proposal. She stood up, walking towards my side of the bed and raised her hand, palm up towards me.

“Dance with me?” She asked.

I scowled at her sudden change of topic, but I obliged nevertheless, placing my hand in hers.

She tugged me to stand up. Wrapping her hand around the neck, she rested her head on my shoulder. Still confused, I laced my hands around her waist, placing a kiss on her temple. She swayed to a nonexistent tune and I followed her, proceeding to do the same. Felling every sway of her hips under my palms, I moved in the same manner too.

“You know,” She whispered,” Maybe I don't need your protection.”

Tears brimmed at the corner of my eyes at her decision. The war was almost here and I had no way to protect her. I would not force her to take shelter in the room of requirements. I already knew she wouldn't accept my offer. But I still had to try. All I ever wanted was to keep the most important person in my life safe. She was my best friend, my love, and I did not know what was waiting for us over the horizon.

“Then what do you need, pretty girl?” My voice was barely above a whisper. A lump formed in my throat in fear of the unknown — the future.

She sniffled as she said, “Just need you to hold me, Pansy.”

And that I did. Enveloping her body tight against mine, I held her close to me as both of us silently cried in each other's arms.

I closed my eyes, basking in her comfort for as long as I could.

A/N - Fuck, this hurts. This is the yule ball dance they didn't get.

See you tomorrow ig. 
With love,

IN ANOTHER LIFE (Pansy Parkinson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now