Chapter 14 - When every map was never made for me

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It's safe to suppose that this wasn't my smartest decision. I'm doing that a lot recently, doing dumb things when I'm around her. It's like every plan of mine just shatters when I'm with her. Merlin, I dislike her so much yet here I am trying to help her. I could've simply ignored her; she landed herself in this stupid situation, but like I said I do dumb shit when I'm with her.

Here I am holding the hand of a person I hate and wondering why I'm helping her. I guess it's the way she sounded so desperate that I just could not leave her there. This dumb, stupid girl just continues creating problems so big for herself, and it's so fucking annoying. Nobody asked her to save my ass when the professor caught me bullying, but she had to. Nobody asked her to help me in detention, but she did. Nobody asked her to rat me out, but she did and strained our relationship. It's like she can't think rationally before making a decision, her emotions overpower any sense of practicality in her head.

Getting out of the dorm and the common room was way easier than I imagined. I told Draco to go ahead, and he didn't seem to care to ask me about me or that weird Slytherin beside me, clinging onto me like a child. I know I generally don't go out of my way to help others but I just... I didn't want people to see a non-Slytherin coming out of my room.

When we made it to the corridor, our hands hung between us intertwined, forgotten about until we picked up a voice that freaked her out.

"Fuck, that's Ced and Wayne," she whispered, grasping my hand tighter than before. A low chuckle came out of my mouth hearing her curse, and she quirked her eyebrow asking me to further explain my amusement.

Ignoring her inquiry I took her other hand and lead her to the empty classroom to our right. She signed heavily in relief once we made it inside and closed the door behind her. Our ears were fixed on the door to hear descending footsteps from outside. We didn't recognize how close we were standing until we were certain that no one was outside.

However, none of us made any effort to distance ourselves. Both of our eyes inspecting the other's like searching for something, something to complete the other. A void missing in the puzzle, waiting to be solved that only the other can fill. Perhaps, we were young and naive and had no clue of this missing piece in our respective puzzles.

I let go of her hands after clearing my throat and creating some space between us. The awkwardness between us was cut short the second she began laughing. My initial thought was that: is she daft? Has the sanity left her head and that's what let her to my dorm today? My next thought was: Merlin, that laugh. It took me a second to join and in no time both of us were laughing like we've heard the best joke ever.

After calming down from our laughing fit she started in pursuit of the exit and I followed her until she stopped when she reached for the doorknob.

"I reckon you just turn it like this," I mimicked the opening gesture from behind her.

She pursed her lips and looked at me. " I just..." Glancing at the door again she turned around and threw her arms around my neck. For a second I believed we were engaging in hand-to-hand combat until she leaned her head towards my neck. I stood there stunned, without an idea how to react until I heard a muffled thank you.

Carefully, I wrapped my arms around her back and signed in the crook of her neck. Seeing me return her gesture she nuzzled in closer. Reluctantly we parted apart, her hands still around my neck, and mine stayed on her waist. Our faces were mere inches away from each other; a small nudge could just make us one. If only we knew how much we needed to be one, how we were already one without cognizance.

Both of us stood there for a few seconds, which honestly felt like hours. We weren't ready to let go of each other just yet, but we also weren't brave enough to close the distance. Our daze was cut off when we heard the shuffling of shoes outside the door, indicating the entrance of someone.

As if breaking from a trance both of us immediately let go of the other and eventually created the distance we should have conducted a long time ago. The door opened and a shocked Wayne Hopkins walked alongside the older Diggory, who seemed quite amused rather than surprised.

I presumed they were going to give her a lecture which should feel nice to me because I detest her, but I didn't want her to go through that. The uneasy silence was finally broken off by Hopkins.

"What are you both doing here? Don't you have a lesson to attend, y/n?"

But before anyone could answer the older Diggory jumped in."Parkinson, I think you should head down to your class," I was ready to protest, but he looked at the girl standing beside me with a soft smile. "Come on, y/n, I'll walk you to your class."

His words and his gaze didn't carry the same amount of harshness as Hopkins' did. It took me a second to realize that he wasn't going to cause a problem for her, he was defusing the situation. y/n realized the same thing, suppressing a grin of her own before joining her brother.

Before departing, she glanced back and gave me a small smile, earning a confused scowl from Hopkins and an amused huff from her brother.

The following day, I woke up with a smile on my face instead of that constant numbing pain.

A/N- Pansy's POV isn't going to be so frequent as it was before, but we'll dip in her mind once a while. This baby was so not expecting a hug ahh.

The fact that people are genuinely interested in the story and ask me to update it still feels unreal for me. Remember how I said I have a rough idea about where I want the story to lead? Well, now I exactly know how I want this to end.

Btw, are y'all a sucker for a sad ending or do you want the ending to be happy?
With love,

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