Chapter 6 - Maybe one day

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Generally, when I wake up I don't feel anything, I mean, nobody does you've awoken up from practice death and I never used to understand how Daphne wakes up every morning and is excited. I always used to say that I'm not a morning person and that is why I'm grumpy, but the truth is I'm not an evening person or a night person, for that matter. I'm merely a person. However, this morning was different because I didn't wake up with a blank face, I woke up with a smile.

A smile that has been with me since last night. A smile because of a person and her silly rambling. A smile I was going to lose very soon, because of that same person, but right now I'm not aware of it.

I've never been the type of person to partake in a conversation, especially when it's not with Draco or Blaise but something about y/n was different. She made me feel vulnerable like I've never felt before. She made talking seem like fun like you could spend all day talking to her and still miss talking to her once it's over.

"Is Pansy Parkinson smiling, that's new, "Blaise snickered when I worked my way to the common room."

Shut up, mate before she hexes you. "Draco added.

"Are you both done ruining my mood because I'm truly hungry." I didn't feel like replying to them. Correction, I did not want to ruin my mood by indulging in stupid conversations with them.

We made our way to the great hall, but today was different. Today my eyes weren't focused on the Slytherin table, they were searching for a certain Hufflepuff on a table farther away than ours. Merlin, where is she? My breath got stuck when I heard her voice, her laugh to be exact. Merlin, that laugh, that damned laugh. The way her eyes beam when she laughs, you could tell that she is truly enjoying herself. She could make anyone smile and blush with that laugh.

"Parkinson, I get that Diggory is hot and all but you need to quit staring at the Hufflepuff table. ' Blaise laughed.

"Hmm?" How the fuck did he know I was looking at y/n? Is it that obvious? I mean, I just enjoy her company, what's the big deal in that?

"The whole school has a crush on him. Get in line." Blaise added. Huh? What the fuck is he talking about? Seeing the confused expression on my face, he proceeded.

"Cedric Diggory, the golden boy, the boy you were staring a second ago, of course. Everybody loves him." he cleared up. Oh, he is talking about her brother. Yeah, I can understand why people like him, he is attractive, but he is not her. Wait a moment? He is not her? What the hell am I thinking? I don't like her. It's not possible for me to like her, I am supposed to marry Draco.

"Where is Draco?" I enquired.

"The same place where you should be going right now? class?" he lifted his eyebrows, surprised, clearly wondering where my head is today.

I stood up from my table and began heading towards the classroom. Turning round to take a final look at the Hufflepuff table my eyes locked with her (y/e/c) eyes, who were already on me. She smiled at me before joining her brother back in the conversation. A glance from her made my breath hitch and my cheeks red. What the fuck is happening?

I generally don't care about the classes, but for some unexplained reason; I could not stop looking at the clock. I might be the only person looking forward to detention, but it was only 2 pm. Okay, five more hours until I finally talk to her once more. Why am I so excited to see her?

After class I was just roaming around the school alone, Blaise and Draco had Quidditch practice. Just as I was about to take a turn towards another corridor, I heard bickering. I turned around thinking it wasn't my place to hear a couples' quarrel, but I stopped as soon as I heard a familiar voice, her voice to be specific.

"Okay, I'm sorry, Ced, but I don't think I can try to talk with him," she spoke and her tone wasn't her usual calm, at all.

"y/n you promised me you would try." her brother tried to reason with her.

"I did not promi-"

"I am begging you to have an open mind, for me." the older Diggory pleaded, but I could tell he wasn't going to get what he wants with the way she looked so furious right now.

"I'm the one who doesn't have an open mind?" y/n almost shouted, I had never seen her this angry.

"I didn't mean that," he signed," all I'm trying to say is that we are a family and I want you to have a good relation with your father. This is my second last year at Hogwarts, and then I'm going to move out. I will not be around to diffuse every time you guys fight. You need to talk to him. Merlin, he is your father."

"I'm sorry Ced, I am, but I just can't forgive him. Too much has happened and I cannot just overlook all of that." she tried to reason.

"If you can't try to do this one little thing for your brother. I can't deal with all of this right now," he whispered.

"Deal with what? Your sister? You know what? Fuck off, you're just like him, like all of them telling me to stop being me." she spoke harshly with tears in her eyes.

"y/n I did not-" she left the corridor before he could finish and he cursed before leaving.

I condemned myself for following her, but my mind and my body were not in contact. My mind, telling me it's not my place to talk to her, but my body moving in her direction, contradicting my brain. My feet came to a halt when I saw her sitting on the stairs of the astronomical tower. My mind pleaded with me to leave, but I just couldn't.

Her body stiffened the moment she saw me and her hands rushed to wipe her tears.

"Hey," I whispered calmly before sitting beside her. One of my arms snaked around her waist, while the other reached up to cup her face with my hand, my thumb trailing over her lips so gently, that it was honestly hard not to smile at the ticklish feeling. She leaned towards me, her head falling on my shoulder and her arm, making its way around my waist hugging me tightly. It took me a second to register but my body leaned in, tightening the embrace. Her tears kept falling on my shoulder and my hand gently wiped the tears off her cheeks when she stopped crying. I leaned more to leave a soft peck on her forehead. She gave me a small smile, her eyes shut, tired from all the crying. I didn't want to break the embrace so I closed my eyes, feeling peace in the way her body felt so close to me, the way we were breathing at the same rate, the way she smelled kinda like cookie dough ice cream. Her hand around my waist hugged me tighter indicating she wasn't ready to let go, I was glad because I wasn't ready to let go either. Nothing could please more than this moment.

A/n - Pansy is so whipped. I like to call this chapter: calm before the storm. It would be a shame if a misunderstanding or someone's ego ruins this cute relationship.

Also, I love Ced but bro please stop defending our piece of shit dad.
With love,

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