Chapter 7 - I'll do the same

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When I woke up I could feel my neck aching, I could make out even in the dark that the surrounding wasn't my room. It felt foreign, yet it also felt so homely. Then a hand around my waist hugged me tighter, reminding me of yesterday. I could feel a small smile forming on my lips when I moved my face a little to get a better view of the silhouette embracing me. There she was, with her eyes closed, head leaned back over mine. Her eyes snapped open when I moved my head. She looked at me after registering her environment, still not letting go of me and I was glad because I wanted to be in her embrace for as long as I can be. Her green eyes searched my (y/e/c) with worry, asking me if I were okay. I nodded my head a little giving her the answer she needed. Then it dawned on me and seeing my eyes widened Pansy realized too that we were late for our detention. Both of us stood up at the same time, her hand brushed over mine before intertwining our fingers. A gentle smile formed on my lips and she mirrored it, relieved that I did not jerk her hand away. How can I ever do that? Without saying another word both of us rushed towards the classroom.

I was prepared for any detention that professor Snape would throw at us for being late, but I was not ready for what we got. Entering the classroom, I saw a Ced standing in front of the professor with his back turned towards us. Fuck I was not ready for this.

"Mr. Diggory would be supervising your detention for today." Professor Snape ordered before collecting our wands and leaving the three of us alone in the room.

Pansy's body stiffened beside me and hastily, she withdrew her hand from mine. She went to the end of the room to clean the area I assigned her the other day. Ced made his way towards me and he did not appear pleased.

"So you just happened to forget mentioning all of this?"Ced remarked angrily, crossing his arms over his chest waiting for my explanation.

'Ced I can explain-"

He huffed, "Honestly, I'm not in the mood for another argument. Just do whatever you are supposed to do. We will talk about this later."

Even though the detention was the same duration as it was yesterday, it felt like hours. Ced didn't even look at me once and neither did Pansy. My eyes kept flickering on both of them, especially at Pansy, hoping to get a glance from her, but she was so focused on that one spot on the table. I reached over to talk to her, but she just overlooked me.

When the horrible, long hour was over we took our wands from professor Snape and Ced started moving towards our dorms. He came to a halt when he realized I wasn't following him, "What? You want professor Flinch to catch you now?"

"I just need to talk to her for a second. I'll see you in the common room, " I said very calmly knowing if I showed him an attitude, then things would not get better. He huffed before leaving me alone with Pansy.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. "I said embarrassed.

"Trust me I've had enough of my sibling banter too. "She snickered.

"Yeah?" I said leaning forward to hold her hand.

"Yeah," she responded, letting me hold her hand and held mine more tightly.

"I'm pretty sure we could get some leftovers if we leave now," I suggested.

"I think I would like that," she said with a smile on her face.

Hand in hand, we made our way towards the kitchen where Insley handed us two plates and we sat under the staircase.

"So this one-time Poppy and I, we were playing with water, which was totally started by me and I ended up falling and crying. My mother came in and saw me crying and just assumed it was Poppy's fault, even if it wasn't. So she was grounded for a week and it was hilarious." she concluded her story while laughing.

Merlin that laugh, what I wouldn't give to see her laugh. Her laugh made me smile too, a lot actually.

When we were done with dinner, I walked her to the Slytherin common room, we talked about Ced and Poppy and how our sibling took the fall most of the time because we were the younger child. We seem to do that a lot, talk, about anything and everything.

"This is me," she said once we reached her common room. I moved towards her, closing the distance between us. It felt like we were in some sort of trance cause she just smiled at me with such affection in her eyes that I had never seen before. I leaned and kissed her cheek gently before leaving, she smiled before cupping my face in her hands and placed a small peck on my forehead.

When I entered my common room with a smile on my lips all I could think about was Pansy and her laugh. She has that kind of laugh that could make you stop and you just couldn't stop admiring her and her laugh and the way her head tilts a little backward when she laughs. Before I could leave I was interrupted by a familiar voice, a voice that I did not want to talk to right now.

"So you hang out with bullies, and get into detention now?" Ced questioned.

"Merlin, it's not lik-"

"So what is it like? You hang out with a bully or you just get into detentions with them? You know it's funny if I remember correctly, I think I told you to not be near Draco Malfoy and his goons after that incident on the station?" Before I could justify he raised his finger indicating me to not interrupt so I obliged. "Wasn't she the one that called you a bitch? and if I remember correctly all she does is makes school hard for other kids with her boyfriend, Malfoy. You knew all of that and still chose to hang out with her? You know she and her family are just like Malfoy's, arrogant, pure blood. You know what her parents are and you know that she is destined to become like them. You have no idea what you're getting yourself involved in by hanging out with her. I want what's best for you and I know this could only end up badly for you; you'll be the one getting hurt while she moves on with her life."

As much as I wanted to defend Pansy, I knew I couldn't because Ced was right. Pansy was bad news, I've always ended up in trouble when I'm with her. Is it worth it? I don't think so.

So I told him, how I landed in detention because of her, how she has bullied a kid, how I would not hang out with her again, how I would not maintain contact with her, how I would confess to the professor and get out of the detention with his help, how I hated her arrogant pureblood kind and her. 

How I hated her.

A lie.

A lie, that I would realize when it would be too late. A lie, that would cost me something so big that I couldn't even fathom. A lie which I wouldn't have said if I was aware of the consequences. A lie, that would ruin me and everything I could have had. A lie, that would haunt all of my what-ifs.

A lie, which I wasn't even aware at that time that it was indeed, a lie.

A/n - I really wanted to establish a sense of care between them before introducing the whole enemy arc because them caring secretly for each other would not make sense if they did not have or had a bond. 

Also, I'm sorry for making Ced not so likable but mans just concerned about his sister.
With love,

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