Chapter 47 - Where's my love?

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When I opened my eyes, I was in Malfoy Manor with death eaters and other pureblood wizards and witches around me, preparing for the war.

I gazed up at the sky, it was dark. No ounce of brightness or sunshine nearby. It was dark. I narrowed my eyes to see the stars behind the clouds, but there weren't any. It was just cloudy — emptiness. Hopelessness.

“Pansy, are coming with us?” Draco shook me out of my thoughts, his hand on my arm.

“I'm going to find Blaise and stay in the room of requirements,” He informed me once almost everyone was out of the manor. “When will you and Y/N join us?”

“She said no,” I said, my eyes drifting back to the sky. It wasn't even evening yet, but it was so dark that it felt like midnight. It didn't feel right.

“Pans,” Draco called for me again, urgently. “Focus on me. When will you join us?”

“I won't.”

“What?” He snapped. “We had a deal. All four of us will stay in the room of requirements until the war is over.”

“I can't leave her. I love her. I need to tell her,” Tears welled up in my eyes as I finally said those words aloud. Furthermore, I needed her to know desperately.

“You,” He stammered, thinking his words before he honestly told me, “You won't survive this. Both of you.”

“I know,” I exhaled, “But I won't survive losing her either.”

“Fuck,” Draco sighed in exasperation. “Fuck you. I can't leave you alone like this.”

He pointed his finger at me, “Okay, we'll help you guys, but if something happens to Blaise or me -”

I didn't let him finish, wrapping my arms around his middle. I rested my head on his chest, blinking a few times to rid my eyes of the wetness.

He hugged me back, “All four of us will be fine, yeah?” Draco reluctantly let me go, nodding his head as we followed the Dark Lord towards Hogwarts.

Once we were inside the school, it didn't feel like it. It wasn't a school anymore — no, it was a battlefield. A place where people I knew would die and the people I knew would kill without remorse. A war. That's what happened in wars when we believe that our faith is worth taking someone's life for. It wasn't. None of it was worth killing someone, but here I was gazing at Draco to avoid looking at falling bodies.

He took my hand in his and squeezed it, “It's going to be alright," He assured, more to himself than me. “I'm going to find Blaise. Crabbe and Goyle will protect us. I'll send Crabbe your way, yeah? He'll protect you.”

“Yeah, sure,” I replied distractedly, looking around for Y/N. I saw Alex running towards a hallway while fighting off death eaters in the way.

Deciding to follow them, I said goodbye to Draco, quietly going down the same direction they went. Alex must know where Cho was, and Cho must know of Y/N's location.

I didn't have a foolproof plan. Well, to be honest, I didn't have a plan per se. My only aim was to find Y/N, and then we would just wing it out like we always did.

Dodging off defending spells on the way, I followed Alex's footsteps.

I spotted Lovegood, Longbottom and Ginny Weasley on my way. I tried to hide because I was in no mood to engage in a duel I didn't even want to participate. But Weasley saw me and pointed her wand towards me.

For fuck's sake, Weasley.

"You shouldn't have chosen him," She spat. I could tell that she wanted me to be intimated.

I didn't particularly have a choice, like everyone. This side, the Dark Lord's side, was chosen for me. I didn't have a say. But I didn't say all of this out loud. No one gets to see me vulnerable except the people I know and trust.

Instead, I raised my hands above my head, surrendering. “I don't want to fight you, Weasley.”

“It's either with Harry or against Harry, Parkinson.” She aimed her wand towards me and instantly, I used a protection spell.

Fuck Harry, I thought to myself. I think she probably was fucking him, though.

I wasn't going to hurt anyone, that I was sure of. Likewise, I knew Y/N wanted an out, a clear out of this life and I… I just wanted her and a life with her. So, I'd happily take an out with her. I had been researching quite a bit about the Muggle world. Y/N has the money, she told me. Cedric left everything to her, and that includes the prize money from the tournament. We would get that money converted into Muggle money from Gringotts Wizarding Bank, and then we would move to a Muggle place where it was safe to be us.

It's a very long process, but nothing too difficult that a bit of magic wouldn't solve.

“Pansy,” Alex called from behind me. In my thoughts, I had forgotten I was supposed to be discreet while following them.

I raised my hands the same way I did with Weasley. “I prefer not to fight you, Alex. I just want to —"

“I know you want to avoid fighting,” They said, a smile looming over their face. “Y/N said you would come. Follow me, I know where Cho and Y/N is.”

“Oh,” I was taken aback. For a second there, I had forgotten that she felt the same way for me. She might also gush about me to her friends, as I did to Draco and Blaise. My cheeks flushed red with the thought and I avoided Alex's gaze, hoping they didn't see it.

“Let's go,” Alex decided and without saying a word, I obliged.

We fought a few death eaters in the way. They eyed me with disgust, but I was indifferent to their abhorrence. They were fighting for a dude without a nose and I, as cliché as it sounded — I was fighting for love and Merlin, I couldn't believe I got the girl. I got the girl, and I was never letting her go.

Once we reached our destination, Alex left my side and I was puzzled for a second until my eyes followed their form to find them joining Cho and when I looked around for the person I was madly in love with.

And there she was, fighting valiantly beside her friend. This might not be the time to think this, but she looked so hot. If we weren't in the middle of a war now, I would have pushed her against the wall and taken her apart right here. With my mouth, my fingers, with everything in my soul. But like I said, this was not the time.

I stood there and admired her dreamily, beaming up at her. When she felt my gaze, she turned her head towards me. A smile threatened to break down on her face as well, and she let it.

I was so lost in her and my adoration for her that I didn't even realize a figure impending behind me. Well, not until her smile vanished and was replaced by something I could only cognize as fear.

A/N - This is unrelated but I've been updating daily for the past 15 days. I don't plan on stopping that, I'm just so proud of myself. And I'm really excited for the next chapter.
With love,

IN ANOTHER LIFE (Pansy Parkinson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now