Chapter 11 -We'll be alright

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It would be an understatement if I stated I wasn't terrified. I was frightened for Ced and this stupid tournament. The only person who was probably more scared than me was Harry Potter. I never liked him or the golden trio. I've heard from around that Harry and Ron adore Ced which is not a surprise because Ced does have a certain effect on people. But Ced was way more skilled in year 4 than Harry is, and I hope things work out for him, but undoubtedly, I want Ced to win.

My concern for Ced was easily overshadowed by my guilt. I need to apologize to him as soon as possible. I can't have him going to these hard-ass tasks of the tournament while having bad blood with his sister. Furthermore, I can't have him distracted right now when his sole purpose should be focusing on his tasks.

Of course, at first, I did not want him to participate, but he was so eager and excited to put his name in the goblet of fire that I just couldn't voice my fear. My worry wasn't even required in the first place. He's 17 he can handle shit way worse than all of em. Not to brag, but Cedric is so much of a better wizard than Victor Krum and Fleur. I know That could be just me boasting about my brother, but that's accurate. My brother is perfect in all ways, and I would be lying if I said that I never disliked him.

When we were children, our father always used to brag about how he is the perfect child who never disappoints which is very true. I mean, he is Hufflepuff's Quidditch team captain and a prefect which made me sort of mad at him, because I was jealous. But, as we grew up Ced wasn't just a perfect all-around he is also an amazing brother. He was always there when I needed him, and he constantly stood up against dad for me. He was also the first person that I came out to, and the way he just accepted me in an instant made me love him even more, and I thought I couldn't love him any more than I already did.

Pushing aside all of my thoughts, I made my way towards Ced who wasn't in his class or our common room, and generally, I would know about his whereabouts, if he weren't ignoring me. The only person besides me who would know his location is Cho. Putting my dislike for her aside, I headed over to the Ravenclaw common room and Cho wasn't surprised to see me. That smug smile on her face just wanted me to ask her. She was enjoying having an upper hand on Ced which is moderately toxic if you ask me, but Ced likes her, and it's not my place. It turns out there's this ceremony called Wand Weighing where he is right now.

The Wand Weighing ceremony was a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament, designed to ensure that all champions' wands were in perfect functioning condition for the three perilous tasks ahead. I have no idea how I'm going to hide my fear for three tasks, but that's for a later day. Right now I have to find Ced and apologize.

When I spotted Ced and the other three champions in the room, I felt intimidated just walking towards them. Before I could say or reach Ced, a brash middle-aged woman appears in a puff of smoke.

"What a charismatic quartet. Hello! " the woman says with confidence which was borderline arrogant.

The four champions stood in a group and Ced moves from his spot to stand beside me making me seem like a part of the group too.

"I'm Rita Skeeter, I write for the daily prophet," the woman introduced herself, " But, of course, you know that, don't you. It's you we don't know, you're the news," she started moving around the circle. Now I'm leaning more towards arrogant than confident "What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks? What mysteries do the muscles mask?" she spoke while holding Ced and Harry's arm and shuffling their hair with her hands. Merlin, Ced hates when people touch his hair. " Does courage lie beneath those curls? In short, what makes a champion tick. Me, myself, and I want to know. Not to mention my rabid readers. So, who's feeling up to sharing? Mmm? Shall we start with the youngest? Lovely. "

Just like that, she took Harry away from the group.

Taking this as my chance I turn to my brother, " Ced, I'm sor-"

" It's okay," he said before I could even begin. Seeing me bewildered, he smirked and continued, " I'm not mad at you, I get it; I was just taken aback by the fact that you didn't tell me something." he held my shoulders lightly and bend down to match our eye level " You always tell me everything, and when I found out about detention and Parkinson, it made me feel like maybe you don't need me anymore. It was dumb because I need to remember you aren't my little sister anymore, you're growing into a person that I'm truly proud of, and I don't want you to feel like you have to hide anything from me." He concluded letting go of my shoulders.

"You know that's not true. I will always need you no matter what. You're not just my brother, but you are also my family and my best friend, and if you state this to Meg she will kill me and I will have to kill you after that," I included, and he chuckled a little.

"This is getting way too sappy, but you're my family and best friend too. Merlin, my best friend is my sister. Your dorkiness is infecting me," Ced said after clearing his throat.

I smiled and nodded my head in agreement"I know."

He moved to stand beside me "So, Parkinson huh? I knew you had a thing for tough girls, but did you have to go for the meanest one?" he huffed.

I could feel my blood rushing towards my face, but before I could deny or accept Miss Skeeter came back and stood in front of us.

"So we all know that you're the perfect boy, the golden boy indeed," Ced huffed at her statement " So tell me what is something in your life that isn't as perfect as you?" Wow, she doesn't beat around the bush at all.

"Or maybe you have a lady friend, perhaps the young Hufflepuff beside you, I didn't know the golden boy had a thing for girls th-"

"This is my sister," he interrupted before she could complete her sentence.

"Ah, the Diggory disgrace," she said without hesitation.

"Excuse me?" he questioned angrily before I could even process her remark.

"Aw, don't look shocked Amos Diggory is not only a boosting father of his son, but also a complaining one for his daughter." she cooed ignoring Ced's deathly glare and clenched jaw.

"My family's personal life is none of your business and my sister is not some disgrace of our family," Cedric looked at me and after seeing my tensed body he gave me a small smile nodding his head. "I think I'm done with this why don't you go over to Victor Krum or Fleur Delacour?" Ced said before holding my hand and kind of dragging my shocked body gently to our common room. My mind was running at a speed that I couldn't contain and my legs followed Ced's lead without being aware of the surroundings.

A/N- Ahh I'm sorry for no pansy content. I wanted y'all to love Cedric as much as I do. And, to make up for the lack of Pansy content, I'll be posting the next chapter asap.

Also, I better not see any Alabama comments, or I swear I'll cry. Some people do have a healthy relationship with their siblings. I can only imagine that.
With love,

IN ANOTHER LIFE (Pansy Parkinson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now