Chapter 3 - Maybe you do

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I should have paid attention when the professor was scolding us. I didn't want to fight back or complain because I knew that Parkinson would face worse than detention if the professor found out that she was bullying a kid. Furthermore, I could have defended myself and let her take the fall, but something tells me she doesn't deserve this. Not only that, but I don't know how to explain this, but I have this feeling that there is good in her somewhere, hidden from all the bad person exterior. I know this might sound weird coming from me, knowing that I've only talked to her twice, both the times she was kind of a bitch to me. Maybe if I do something nice for her, she might feel sorry for her actions and try to be a better person.

It didn't take me long to realize that the reprehension was over when I saw Parkinson leave the classroom. I apologized to the professor and started following her.

"Hey! Parkinson, " I called, hoping she would stop in her tracks, but obviously, she didn't.
Running towards her, I held her elbow in my palm to stop her, and she yanked her hand out of my grip. Ignoring her displeasure I resumed.

" I was literally not paying attention to whatever the professor was going on about, so, what's up with our detention?" I questioned.

She furrowed her brows trying to decipher my words. Is she not used to people talking to her nicely? Does she think I'm pulling a prank or something?

Ignoring her confused expression, I continued because I knew she wasn't going to stay very patient if I don't speak up. Call it the Hufflepuff in me, but I think I can read and make people comfortable around me. When we were kids Ced used to say that I have some sort of soothing effect on people which makes it easier for them to talk to me. I would not take Ced's words for anything, probably because he also says that I'm very annoying, but I like to shove that part up to his 'sibling trash talk'.

Thinking about Ced and what Parkinson said about him earlier made me take a few steps away from her. She seemed to sense my body stiffen and reduced the anger on her face. Her face seemed to become lighter and that made me feel a little calm.

"7 pm every day for a week, potions classroom, "

"Huh?" I had no clue what she was talking about.

"The detention " she clarified, her face softened.

"Oh yeah, so I was wondering-"

I was cut off again when she started walking away from me. I tried to follow her, but Ced called out my name and started walking towards me. Before I could follow her he was standing beside me. How is he so fast?

"Aren't you going to congratulate your brother? Probably not, because you've decided that it wasn't important to attend the ceremony either. Somebody really owes me an explanation, " He quirked his eyebrow, waiting for me to explain myself.

I knew I could not tell him that I got detention and I'm the reason that our house lost points. So I lied, hoping he wouldn't see through it.

"Meg and Wayne got into a fight, again, and I had to defuse the situation." I lied, hoping he wouldn't see through it. I know that using my best friend's relationship as an excuse is wrong, but I knew for sure that they weren't in the Great Hall. They were probably in the common room doing whatever couples do, alone. Ew, I should not be thinking that.

"Oh! yes, I totally forgot that you only have two friends who are dating so your expression of hanging out with your friends is basically third-wheeling." He snickered.

I didn't even care to say something back, I was just glad he didn't question more.

"I'm going to send father an owl. Do you want me to add something from your side?"

"Merlin! No," I scoffed.

"I know you have your-" he tried to reason with me and I just talked over him.

"As far as I'm concerned, I was the Diggory disgrace and I quote, he should have never had me in the first place. All of this drama for what? Just because I like girls more than boys?" He tried to talk, but I continued "oh, and you know what tell him I'm not sorry for being me and also, oh yes, he can go fuck himself for shoving me into the closet, saying it was just a phase, or I need a man to make my brain go straight. Ha, that's funny,' my brain go straight? ' Out of all the words he used, straight. Ugh, I should have made a joke about that it would have made him so mad."

"His opinions don't matter, and you know that. You also know that you have mother and me supporting you, so his conservative thinking doesn't matter," he said interrupted my rambling.

"I know," I signed, Ced didn't deserve the lecture. He's been the only person who supported and defended me against our father when I came out.

"And I also know that eventually, father will come in terms with it. It's just taking him longer than the rest of us, give him some time, yeah?"
His pleading eyes were fixed on me, carefully reading me, waiting for me to give him some positive reaction. As much as I wanted to I couldn't, and he knew I couldn't.

"Hey, Diggory!" Both of us turned around to face the voice.

"Professor Dumbledore wants to see you, something related to the tournament," He added, obviously intended towards Ced.

I signed knowing that this conversation would not have ended well if we weren't interrupted.
Hesitating, he held my hands in his and said, "we will talk about this later, I swear I will fix this, "
Honestly, I didn't want to talk about it. I didn't want to mend my relationship with my father especially after the shit he said to me just because of my identity. However, I nodded, sensing the desperation in his body and eyes. He half-smiled at me before leaving.

I still wasn't willing to talk to our father, but I guess I wouldn't mind trying for Ced's sake.

AN - Isn't Ced the sweetest brother ever? Ugh, I don't think I have the strength to kill him.

I kind of want to give us(y/n) and Pansy a few chapters of themselves before I make them have a genuine conversation which isn't very far. I also don't want you guys to expect a relationship soon. Both of them are very complex people(Pansy more than us sksks), who need to figure their shit out before they fall in love. Obviously, that does not include the tension and physical stuff. hahaha, that's too much for a day. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
With love,

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